/* MP3-jPlayer Version 2.7.2 http://mp3-jplayer.com */ var MP3_JPLAYER = { tID: '', state: '', pl_info: [], load_pc: 0, played_t: 0, total_t: 0, pp_abs: 0, dl_dialogs: [], timeoutIDs: [], intervalIDs: [], jperrorIDs: [], dl_domain: '', jp_audio: {}, jp_seekable: 0, sliding: false, jpID: '#mp3_jplayer_1_8', plugin_path: '', lastformats: 'mp3', popoutformats: 'mp3', allowRanges: true, extCalls: { init:[], change_pre: [], change_begin: [], change_end: [], change_post: [], button_playpause: [], button_popout: [], update_time: [], write_titles: [], write_download: [], download: [], download_dialog: [], error: [] }, extStyles: [], extJS: [], skinJS: '', mutes: [], preSlideVol: false, exData: false, exThresh: 2, showErrors: false, factors: { vol: 1 }, hasListMeta: true, pickup: true, pRefs: { id: false, tr: false, pt: 0, vol: 100 }, vars: { play_f: true, stylesheet_url: '', dload_text: '', force_dload: true, message_interval: '

Download Audio

Your download should start in a second!

', message_ok: '', message_indark: '

Download Audio

Your download should start in a second!

', message_promtlink: '

Download Audio

Link to the file:


Depending on your browser settings, you may need to right click the link to save it.

', message_fail: '

Download Failed

Sorry, something went wrong!

', message_timeout: '


please try again later!

', message_nosolution: 'Unable to play this item, please update your browser or try another.', message_nosolution_mpeg: 'To play this item please update your browser or get the Flash plugin.', message_bad_url: 'Can\'t locate audio.', dl_remote_path: '' }, eID: { play: '#playpause_mp3j_', playW: '#playpause_wrap_mp3j_', stp: '#stop_mp3j_', prev: '#Prev_mp3j_', next: '#Next_mp3j_', vol: '#vol_mp3j_', loader: '#load_mp3j_', pos: '#posbar_mp3j_', poscol: '#poscol_mp3j_', title: '#T_mp3j_', caption: '#C_mp3j_', pT: '#P-Time-MI_', tT: '#T-Time-MI_', dload: '#download_mp3j_', plwrap: '#L_mp3j_', ul: '#UL_mp3j_', li: 'li_mp3j_', //No hash! a: 'mp3j_A_', //No hash! indiM: '#statusMI_', toglist: '#playlist-toggle_', lPP: '#lpp_mp3j_', pplink: '#mp3j_popout_', img: '#MI_image_' }, runExternals: function ( hookname, data ) { var l = this.extCalls[ hookname ].length; for ( var x = 0; x < l; x += 1 ) { ( this.extCalls[ hookname ][ x ] )( data ); } }, findFile: function ( file ) { var i, p, list, l, j, id = false, tr = false; //if ( typeof MP3jPLAYERS !== "undefined" ) { //for ( i in MP3jPLAYERS ) { //p = MP3jPLAYERS[ i ]; if ( typeof this.pl_info !== "undefined" ) { for ( i in this.pl_info ) { p = this.pl_info[ i ]; list = p.list; if ( p.type === 'MI' ) { l = list.length; for ( j = 0; j < l; j += 1 ) { if ( file === list[ j ].mp3 ) { id = i; tr = j; break; } } } else if ( p.type === 'single' ) { if ( file === list[ p.tr ].mp3 ) { id = i; tr = p.tr; break; } } if ( id !== false ) { break; } } } return { id: id, tr: tr }; }, getFormats: function ( player ) { return player.list[ player.tr ].formats[0] + ( ( typeof player.list[ player.tr ].formats[1] !== 'undefined' ) ? ',' + player.list[ player.tr ].formats[1] : '' ); }, initialise_jp: function ( supplied, track, vol ) { var that = this; jQuery(this.jpID).jPlayer({ ready: function () { if ( track === true ) { var dinfo = that.deviceInfo(); if ( dinfo.device === 'Desk/Laptop' ) { if ( that.pickup ) { if ( that.pRefs.id === false ) { that.startup(); } else { var puVol = parseFloat( that.pRefs.vol ); that.pl_info[ that.pRefs.id ].vol = puVol; jQuery( that.eID.vol + that.pRefs.id ).slider({ value: puVol }); that.E_change_track( that.pRefs.id, that.pRefs.tr, parseFloat( that.pRefs.pt ) ); that.write_cookie( 'mjp_pickup', '', -1 ); } } else { that.startup(); } } else { //just remove first autolay if there's any var j; for ( j in that.pl_info ) { if ( that.pl_info[j].autoplay ) { that.pl_info[j].autoplay = false; break; } } } } else { that.setAudio( track ); that.playit(); jQuery(that.jpID).jPlayer("volume", that.factors.vol * vol/100 ); //Set to player vol if ( track === false ) { //silence that.clearit(); } } }, swfPath: that.plugin_path + '/js/Jplayer271.swf', volume: 1, supplied: supplied, wmode: "window", solution:"html, flash", error: function( event ) { that.check_show_jperrors( event ); }, preload: "none" }); jQuery(this.jpID).bind(jQuery.jPlayer.event.ended, function(event) { that.E_complete(that.tID); }); jQuery(this.jpID).bind(jQuery.jPlayer.event.timeupdate, function(event) { var lp = that.get_loaded(event); var ppA = event.jPlayer.status.currentPercentAbsolute; var pt = event.jPlayer.status.currentTime; var tt = event.jPlayer.status.duration; that.E_update(that.tID, lp, ppA, pt, tt); }); jQuery(this.jpID).bind(jQuery.jPlayer.event.ready, function(event) { if(event.jPlayer.html.used && event.jPlayer.html.audio.available) { that.jp_audio = jQuery(that.jpID).data("jPlayer").htmlElement.audio; } else { that.jp_audio = 'flash'; } }); jQuery(this.jpID).bind(jQuery.jPlayer.event.progress, function(event) { var lp = that.get_loaded(event); var pt = event.jPlayer.status.currentTime; var tt = event.jPlayer.status.duration; that.E_loading( that.tID, lp, tt, pt ); }); that.lastformats = supplied; }, writePickupData: function () { if ( 'playing' === this.state ) { var p = this.pl_info[ this.tID ]; var preppedurl = p.list[ p.tr ].mp3.replace( /;/, ':::' ); var valuestring = this.played_t + '?' + p.vol + '?' + preppedurl; this.write_cookie( 'mjp_pickup', valuestring, 0.0001 ); } else { this.write_cookie( 'mjp_pickup', '', -1 ); } }, getPlayerRefs: function () { var playerRefs = { id: false, tr: false, pt: false, vol:false }; var cvals = this.read_cookie( 'mjp_pickup' ); if ( cvals !== false ) { var cparts = cvals.split('?'); var depreppedurl = cparts[2].replace( /:::/, ';' ); playerRefs = ( typeof cparts[2] !== 'undefined' ) ? this.findFile( depreppedurl ) : playerRefs; playerRefs.pt = ( typeof cparts[0] !== 'undefined' ) ? cparts[0] : 0; playerRefs.vol = ( typeof cparts[1] !== 'undefined' ) ? cparts[1] : 100; } return playerRefs; }, init: function () { var plpath; plpath = this.plugin_path.split('/'); this.dl_domain = plpath[2].replace(/^www./i, ""); this.unwrap(); if ( this.pickup ) { jQuery('a').on( 'click', function ( e ) { MP3_JPLAYER.writePickupData(); }); var prefs = this.getPlayerRefs(); if ( prefs.id !== false ) { var p = this.pl_info[ prefs.id ]; this.lastformats = this.getFormats( p ); this.pRefs.id = prefs.id; this.pRefs.tr = prefs.tr; this.pRefs.pt = prefs.pt; this.pRefs.vol = prefs.vol; } } this.write_controls(); this.add_jpconstruct_div(); this.runExternals( 'init', {} ); this.addExtStyles(); this.initialise_jp( this.lastformats, true, 1 ); }, addExtStyles: function () { var j; var l = this.extStyles.length; for ( j = 0; j < l; j += 1 ) { jQuery( '' ).appendTo( 'head' ); } }, destroy_jp: function () { jQuery(this.jpID).unbind(); jQuery(this.jpID).jPlayer("destroy"); jQuery(this.jpID).empty(); }, check_show_jperrors: function ( event ) { if ( this.tID !== '' && ! this.jperrorIDs[ this.tID ] ) { if ( this.showErrors === true ) { this.show_nosolution( this.tID, event.jPlayer.error.type ); } this.jperrorIDs[ this.tID ] = event.jPlayer.error.type; } }, show_nosolution: function ( j, errortype ) { var p = this.pl_info[j]; var track = p.tr; var formats = p.list[track].formats; var message = ''; if ( errortype === 'e_no_solution' || errortype === 'e_no_support' ) { message = this.vars.message_nosolution; if ( formats === 'mp3' || formats === 'm4a' ) { message = this.vars.message_nosolution_mpeg; } } else if ( errortype === 'e_url' ) { message = this.vars.message_bad_url; } jQuery('#mp3j_nosolution_' + j).empty().append(message).fadeIn(200); if ( this.exData !== false ) { this.exData.jperror = errortype; this.runExternals( 'change_post', this.exData ); this.exData = false; } }, add_jpconstruct_div: function () { var html = '
'; jQuery('body').prepend( html ); }, get_loaded: function (event) { var lp; if ( typeof this.jp_audio.buffered === "object" ) { if( this.jp_audio.buffered.length > 0 && this.jp_audio.duration > 0 ) { lp = 100 * this.jp_audio.buffered.end(this.jp_audio.buffered.length-1) / this.jp_audio.duration; } else { lp = 0; } } else { lp = event.jPlayer.status.seekPercent; } this.jp_seekable = event.jPlayer.status.seekPercent; //use this for slider calcs for both html/flash solution this.load_pc = lp; return lp; }, Tformat: function ( sec ) { var t = sec, s = Math.floor((t)%60), m = Math.floor((t/60)%60), h = Math.floor(t/3600); return ((h > 0) ? h+':' : '') + ((m > 9) ? m : '0'+m) + ':' + ((s > 9) ? s : '0'+s); }, E_loading: function ( j, lp, tt, pt ) { if (j !== '') { jQuery(this.eID.loader + j).css( "width", lp + '%' ); if (this.pl_info[j].type === 'MI') { if (tt > 0 && this.played_t > 0) { jQuery(this.eID.tT + j).text(this.Tformat(tt)); } } if ( this.jp_audio !== 'flash' && lp < 100 ) { if ( pt === this.played_t && this.state === 'playing' && pt > 0 && !this.sliding ) { if (this.pl_info[j].type === 'MI') { jQuery(this.eID.indiM + j).empty().append('Buffering'); } if (this.pl_info[j].type === 'single' ) { jQuery(this.eID.indiM + j).empty().append(' ' + this.Tformat(pt)); } } this.played_t = pt; this.total_t = tt; } } }, E_update: function (j, lp, ppA, pt, tt) { if (j !== '') { jQuery(this.eID.loader + j).css( "width", lp + '%' ); jQuery(this.eID.poscol + j).css( "width", ppA + '%' ); if ( jQuery(this.eID.pos + j + ' div.ui-widget-header').length > 0 ) { jQuery(this.eID.pos + j).slider('option', 'value', 10*ppA); } if (pt > 0) { jQuery(this.eID.pos + j).css( 'visibility', 'visible' ); } if (this.pl_info[j].type === 'MI') { jQuery(this.eID.pT + j).text(this.Tformat(pt)); } if ('playing' === this.state) { if ('MI' === this.pl_info[j].type) { if (tt > 0 && this.played_t === pt && lp < 99 && !this.sliding ) { jQuery(this.eID.indiM + j).empty().append('Buffering'); jQuery(this.eID.tT + j).text(this.Tformat(tt)); } else if (pt > 0) { jQuery(this.eID.indiM + j).empty().append('Playing'); jQuery(this.eID.tT + j).text(this.Tformat(tt)); } } if ('single' === this.pl_info[j].type){ if (pt > 0 ) { if (this.played_t === pt && lp < 99 && !this.sliding ) { jQuery(this.eID.indiM + j).empty().append(' ' + this.Tformat(pt)); } else { jQuery(this.eID.indiM + j).empty().append(' ' + this.Tformat(pt)); } } } } this.runExternals( 'update_time', { pt: pt, id: j } ); if ( pt >= this.exThresh && this.exData !== false ) { this.runExternals( 'change_post', this.exData ); this.exData = false; } this.played_t = pt; this.total_t = tt; this.pp_abs = ppA; } }, E_complete: function (j) { var p = this.pl_info[j]; if ('MI' === p.type) { if (p.loop || p.tr+1 < p.list.length) { this.E_change_track(j, 'next'); } else { this.E_dblstop(j); this.startup(); } } if ('single' === p.type) { if (p.loop) { this.E_change_track(j, 'next'); } else { this.E_stop(j); this.startup(); } } }, write_controls: function () { var j; for ( j in this.pl_info ) { this.setup_a_player(j); this.mutes[j] = false; } }, startup: function () { var j; for ( j in this.pl_info ) { if ( this.pl_info[j].autoplay && (this.pl_info[j].type === 'single' || this.pl_info[j].type === 'MI') ) { this.pl_info[j].autoplay = false; this.E_change_track(j, this.pl_info[j].tr); return; } } }, setup_a_player: function (j) { var i, li, sel, that = this, p = this.pl_info[j]; //PLAYLISTERS and SINGLES if ('MI' === p.type || 'single' === p.type) { jQuery(this.eID.vol + j).slider({ value : p.vol, max: 100, range: 'min', start: function ( event, ui ) { that.preSlideVol = p.vol; }, stop: function ( event, ui ) { that.preSlideVol = false; }, slide: function (event, ui) { if (j === that.tID) { jQuery(that.jpID).jPlayer("volume", that.factors.vol * ui.value/100); } if ( ui.value === 0 ) { jQuery('#innerExt1_' + j).addClass('vol-muted'); that.mutes[ j ] = that.preSlideVol; } else { jQuery('#innerExt1_' + j).removeClass('vol-muted'); that.mutes[ j ] = false; } p.vol = ui.value; } }); jQuery(this.eID.vol + j).click( function ( e ) { e.stopPropagation(); }); sel = ('MI' === p.type) ? this.eID.play : this.eID.playW; jQuery(sel + j).click(function () { //play-pause click that.E_change_track(j, p.tr); jQuery(this).blur(); }); jQuery(sel + j).dblclick(function () { //play-pause dbl click if (that.state !== "playing") { that.E_change_track(j, p.tr); } jQuery(this).blur(); }); this.titles(j, p.tr); } //PLAYLISTERS if ('MI' === p.type) { jQuery(this.eID.pT + j).text('00:00'); jQuery(this.eID.indiM + j).empty().append('Ready'); jQuery(this.eID.stp + j).click(function () { that.E_stop(j); }); jQuery(this.eID.stp + j).dblclick(function () { that.E_dblstop(j); }); jQuery(this.eID.plwrap + j).hide(); if (p.list.length > 1) { jQuery(this.eID.next + j).click(function () { that.E_change_track(j, 'next'); }); jQuery(this.eID.prev + j).click(function () { that.E_change_track(j, 'prev'); }); var liClass = ''; var l = p.list.length; jQuery(this.eID.ul + j).empty(); for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { liClass = ( i === l-1 ) ? ' mjp-li-last' : ''; li = '
  • '; li += p.list[i].name; if ( this.hasListMeta && p.list[i].artist !== '' ) { li += '
    ' + p.list[i].artist + ''; } li += '
    '; li += '
    '; li += '
  • '; jQuery(this.eID.ul + j).append(li); this.add_ul_click(j, i); } jQuery('#' + this.eID.a + j + '_' + p.tr).addClass('mp3j_A_current'); jQuery('#' + this.eID.li + j + '_' + p.tr).addClass('mp3j_LI_current'); jQuery(this.eID.toglist + j).click(function () { that.togglelist(j); }); if (p.lstate === true) { jQuery(this.eID.plwrap + j).show(); } } this.writedownload(j, p.tr); if ( this.vars.force_dload === true ) { this.dl_closeinfo_click(j); } jQuery(this.eID.lPP + j).click(function () { return that.E_launchPP(j); }); jQuery( '#innerExt1_' + j ).click( function ( e ) { if ( that.mutes[j] === false ) { if ( j === that.tID ) { jQuery( that.jpID ).jPlayer( 'volume', 0 ); } jQuery( '#innerExt1_' + j ).addClass( 'vol-muted' ); jQuery( that.eID.vol + j ).slider( 'value', 0 ); that.mutes[j] = p.vol; p.vol = 0; } else { if ( j === that.tID ) { jQuery( that.jpID ).jPlayer( 'volume', that.factors.vol * that.mutes[j]/100 ); } jQuery( '#innerExt1_' + j ).removeClass( 'vol-muted' ); jQuery( that.eID.vol + j ).slider( 'value', that.mutes[j] ); p.vol = that.mutes[j]; that.mutes[j] = false; } }); } //POPOUT LINKS if ('popout' === p.type) { jQuery(this.eID.pplink + j).click(function () { return that.E_launchPP(j); }); } }, add_ul_click: function (j, i) { //playlist item click var that = this; jQuery('#' + this.eID.a + j + "_" + i).click(function (e) { that.E_change_track(j, i); e.preventDefault(); }); }, unwrap: function () { var i, j, arr; if ( this.vars.play_f === true && typeof MP3jPLAYLISTS !== "undefined" ) { for ( var key in MP3jPLAYLISTS ) { if ( MP3jPLAYLISTS.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { arr = MP3jPLAYLISTS[key]; for ( j = 0; j < arr.length; j += 1 ) { arr[j].mp3 = this.f_undo.f_con( arr[j].mp3 ); if ( arr[j].counterpart !== '' ) { arr[j].counterpart = this.f_undo.f_con( arr[j].counterpart ); } } } } } }, f_undo: { keyStr : "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", f_con : function (input) { var output = "", i = 0, chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ""); while (i < input.length) { enc1 = this.keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc2 = this.keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc3 = this.keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc4 = this.keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4); chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2); chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4; output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1); if (enc3 !== 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2); } if (enc4 !== 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3); } } output = this.utf8_f_con(output); return output; }, utf8_f_con : function (utftext) { var string = "", i = 0, c, c1, c2, c3; while (i < utftext.length) { c = utftext.charCodeAt(i); if (c < 128) { string += String.fromCharCode(c); i++; } else if ((c > 191) && (c < 224)) { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63)); i += 2; } else { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1); c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 2); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63)); i += 3; } } return string; } }, E_stop: function ( j, caller ) { var exData = { pT:'', tT:'', pState: '', pU: '', lp:'', ppA:'', jperror:'' }; if (j === this.tID && j !== '') { var preL = (this.tID !== '' ) ? this.pl_info[this.tID].list : false; var pU = ( preL !== false ) ? preL[ this.pl_info[this.tID].tr ].mp3 : ''; if ( this.exData === false ) { exData.pT = this.played_t; exData.tT = this.total_t; exData.pState = this.state; exData.pU = pU; exData.lp = this.load_pc; exData.ppA = this.pp_abs; } else { exData = this.exData; } if ( caller !== 'Echange' && this.jperrorIDs[j] === false ) { this.runExternals( 'change_pre', exData ); } this.clearit(); if ( jQuery(this.eID.pos + j + ' div.ui-widget-header').length > 0 ) { jQuery(this.eID.pos + j).off( 'click', MP3_JPLAYER.stopProp ); jQuery(this.eID.pos + j).slider('destroy'); } jQuery(this.eID.loader + j).css( "width", '0%' ); this.button(j, 'play'); if (this.pl_info[j].type === 'MI') { jQuery(this.eID.poscol + j).css( "width", '0%' ); jQuery(this.eID.tT + j).empty(); jQuery(this.eID.indiM + j).empty().append('Stopped'); jQuery(this.eID.pT + j).text(this.Tformat(0)); } else { jQuery(this.eID.indiM + j).empty(); } this.load_pc = 0; this.played_t = 0; jQuery('#mp3j_nosolution_' + j).empty().hide(); } return exData; }, E_dblstop: function (j) { //playlisters only this.listclass(j, this.pl_info[j].tr, 0); if ( this.pl_info[j].tr !== 0 ) { this.titles(j, 0); } this.writedownload(j, 0); this.E_stop(j); jQuery(this.eID.indiM + j).empty().append('Ready'); this.pl_info[j].tr = 0; }, E_change_track: function ( j, change, secsIn ) { var track; var txt; var p = this.pl_info[j]; this.runExternals( 'change_begin', { id: j, change: change } ); if (j === this.tID && change === p.tr) { if ('playing' === this.state) { if (this.load_pc === 0) { this.E_stop( j, 'Echange'); } else { this.pauseit(); this.button(j, 'play'); if ('MI' === p.type) { jQuery(this.eID.indiM + j).empty().append('Paused'); } } return; } else if ('paused' === this.state || 'set' === this.state) { this.playit(); this.button(j, 'pause'); return; } } var exData = this.E_stop( this.tID, 'Echange' ); if ('prev' === change) { track = (p.tr-1 < 0) ? p.list.length-1 : p.tr-1; } else if ('next' === change) { track = (p.tr+1 < p.list.length) ? p.tr+1 : 0; } else { track = change; } jQuery(this.jpID).jPlayer("volume", 1 ); //Vol scaling fix jQuery('#mp3j_nosolution_' + j).hide(); txt = ('MI' === p.type) ? 'Connecting' : ''; jQuery(this.eID.indiM + j).empty().append(txt); this.button(j, 'pause'); this.makeslider(j); if ('MI' === p.type) { this.listclass(j, p.tr, track); if ( p.tr !== track ) { this.titles(j, track); } if (p.download) { this.writedownload(j, track); jQuery(this.eID.dload + j).hide().addClass('whilelinks').fadeIn(400); } } p.tr = track; this.tID = j; var formatString = this.getFormats( p ); if ( formatString !== this.lastformats || this.jperrorIDs[ j ] ) { this.jperrorIDs[ j ] = false; this.destroy_jp(); this.initialise_jp( formatString, p.list[track], p.vol ); } else { this.jperrorIDs[ j ] = false; this.setAudio( p.list[track] ); this.playit( secsIn ); jQuery(this.jpID).jPlayer("volume", this.factors.vol * p.vol/100 ); //Reset to correct vol } exData.mp3 = p.list[track].mp3; exData.name = p.list[track].name; exData.artist = p.list[track].artist; this.exData = exData; this.runExternals( 'change_end', exData ); }, E_launchPP: function (j) { this.writePickupData(); this.popoutformats = this.lastformats; this.launched_ID = j; this.was_playing = ( this.state === "playing" ) ? true : false; var data = { id: this.launched_ID, playing: this.was_playing }; this.runExternals( 'button_popout', data ); if ( this.tID !== '' ) { this.E_stop(this.tID); if ( 'mp3,oga' !== this.lastformats ) { this.destroy_jp(); this.initialise_jp( 'mp3,oga', false, 100 ); } else { this.setAudio( false ); this.playit(); //make chrome let go of last track (incase it didn't finish loading) this.clearit(); } } var newwindow = window.open( this.plugin_path + '/popout.php', 'mp3jpopout', 'height=' +this.pl_info[j].popout_css.colours[13]+ ', width=' +this.pl_info[j].popout_css.colours[12]+ ', location=1, status=1, scrollbars=1, resizable=1, left=25, top=25' ); if ( window.focus ) { newwindow.focus(); } return false; }, setAudio: function ( track ) { var media = {}; this.state = 'set'; if ( false === track ) { media['mp3'] = this.plugin_path + '/mp3/silence.mp3'; media['ogg'] = this.plugin_path + '/mp3/silence.ogg'; } else { media[ track.formats[0] ] = track.mp3; if ( typeof track.formats[1] !== 'undefined' ) { media[ track.formats[1] ] = track.counterpart; } } jQuery(this.jpID).jPlayer( "setMedia", media ); }, playit: function ( secs ) { this.state = 'playing'; if ( typeof secs === 'undefined' ) { jQuery( this.jpID ).jPlayer("play"); } else { jQuery( this.jpID ).jPlayer( "play", secs ); } }, pauseit: function () { this.state = 'paused'; jQuery(this.jpID).jPlayer("pause"); }, clearit: function () { this.state = ''; jQuery(this.jpID).jPlayer("clearMedia"); }, button: function (j, type) { if (j !== '') { if ('pause' === type) { jQuery( this.eID.play + j ).removeClass( 'play-mjp' ).addClass( 'pause-mjp' ).empty().append( this.pl_info[j].pause_txt ); } if ('play' === type) { jQuery( this.eID.play + j ).removeClass( 'pause-mjp' ).addClass( 'play-mjp' ).empty().append( this.pl_info[j].play_txt ); } } this.runExternals( 'button_playpause', { type: type } ); }, listclass: function ( j, rem, add ) { jQuery('#'+ this.eID.a + j +'_'+ rem).removeClass('mp3j_A_current'); jQuery('#'+ this.eID.li + j +'_'+ rem).removeClass('mp3j_LI_current'); jQuery('#'+ this.eID.a + j +'_'+ add).addClass('mp3j_A_current'); jQuery('#'+ this.eID.li + j +'_'+ add).addClass('mp3j_LI_current'); }, titles: function ( j, track ) { var data; var p = this.pl_info[j], Olink = '', Clink = ''; var img = p.list[track].image; if (p.type === "MI") { jQuery(this.eID.title + j).empty().append(p.list[track].name).append('
    ' + p.list[track].artist + '
    '); var lastImg = jQuery(this.eID.img + j + ' img').attr('src'); if ( img === 'false' || img === 'true' || img === '' ) { jQuery(this.eID.img + j).empty(); } else if ( img !== lastImg ) { if (p.list[track].imgurl !== '') { Olink = ''; Clink = ''; } jQuery(this.eID.img + j).empty().hide().append(Olink + '' + Clink).fadeIn(300); } } data = { title: p.list[track].name, caption: p.list[track].artist, id: j, track: track }; this.runExternals( 'write_titles', data ); }, writedownload: function ( j, track, text ) { var data; var p = this.pl_info[j]; text = ( typeof text === 'undefined' ) ? this.vars.dload_text : text; if ( p.download ) { jQuery(this.eID.dload + j).empty().removeClass('whilelinks').append('' + text + ''); if ( this.vars.force_dload === true ) { this.dl_button_click( j ); } } data = { is_download: p.download , url: p.list[track].mp3 }; this.runExternals( 'write_download', data ); }, togglelist: function ( j ) { if (this.pl_info[j].lstate === true) { jQuery(this.eID.plwrap + j).fadeOut(300); jQuery(this.eID.toglist + j).text('SHOW'); this.pl_info[j].lstate = false; } else if (this.pl_info[j].lstate === false) { jQuery(this.eID.plwrap + j).fadeIn("slow"); jQuery(this.eID.toglist + j).text('HIDE'); this.pl_info[j].lstate = true; } }, makeslider: function ( j ) { var phmove, cssmove, that = this; jQuery(this.eID.pos + j).css( 'visibility', 'hidden' ); jQuery(this.eID.pos + j).slider({ max: 1000, range: 'min', slide: function (event, ui) { if ( that.allowRanges || (ui.value/10) < that.load_pc ) { cssmove = ui.value/10; phmove = ui.value*(10.0/that.jp_seekable); } else { cssmove = 0.99*that.load_pc; phmove = (9.9*that.load_pc)*(10.0/that.jp_seekable); } jQuery(that.eID.poscol + j).css('width', cssmove + '%'); jQuery(that.jpID).jPlayer("playHead", phmove ); if (that.state === 'paused') { that.button(j, 'pause'); that.playit(); } that.state = 'playing'; }, start: function ( event, ui ) { that.sliding = true; }, stop: function ( event, ui ) { that.sliding = false; } }); jQuery(this.eID.pos + j).on( 'click', MP3_JPLAYER.stopProp ); }, stopProp: function ( e ) { e.stopPropagation(); }, deviceInfo: function () { var isMobile = false; var os = ''; var device = ''; var ua = navigator.userAgent; var p = navigator.platform; var matched; if ( /bot|spider/i.test( ua ) ) { os = 'spider'; } else { if ( /iPhone|iPod|iPad/.test( p ) ) { os = 'iOS'; device = p; isMobile = true; } else { var matched = /Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini|Mobi|Tablet/.exec( ua ); if ( matched ) { device = ( matched[0] === 'Mobi' ) ? 'Mobile' : matched[0]; isMobile = true; } } if ( ! isMobile ) { if ( /Mac/.test( p ) ) { os = 'Mac'; device = 'Desk/Laptop'; } else if ( /Linux/.test( p ) ) { os = 'Linux'; device = 'Desk/Laptop'; } else if ( /Win|Pocket PC/.test( p ) ) { os = 'Windows'; device = 'Desk/Laptop'; } } } return { os:os, device:device, isMobile:isMobile }; } }; MP3_JPLAYER.dl_button_click = function ( j ) { var that = this, p = this.pl_info[j]; jQuery('#mp3j_dlanchor_' + j).click(function (e) { that.dl_runinfo( p.list[p.tr].mp3, j, e ); that.runExternals( 'download', p.list[p.tr] ); e.preventDefault(); }); }; MP3_JPLAYER.dl_closeinfo_click = function ( j ) { var that = this; jQuery('#mp3j_finfo_close_' + j).click(function () { that.dl_dialogue( j, '', 'close'); that.clear_timers( j ); }); }; MP3_JPLAYER.dl_runinfo = function ( get, j, e ) { var can_write, dlpath, message, that = this, dlframe = false, p = this.pl_info[j], is_local = this.is_local_dload( get ); var enc_get; if ( !this.intervalIDs[ j ] && !this.timeoutIDs[ j ] ) { //if timers not already running for this player can_write = this.write_cookie('mp3Download' + j, 'waiting', ''); if ( is_local ) { if ( can_write !== false ) { this.dl_dialogue( j, this.vars.message_interval, 'check'); } else { this.dl_dialogue( j, this.vars.message_indark, 'indark'); } this.intervalIDs[ j ] = setInterval( function(){ that.dl_interval_check( j, can_write ); }, 500); this.timeoutIDs[ j ] = setTimeout( function(){ that.dl_timeout( j, can_write ); }, 7000); dlframe = true; } else { if ( this.vars.dl_remote_path === '' ) { message = this.vars.message_promtlink.replace('#1', get); message = message.replace('#2', p.list[p.tr].name); this.dl_dialogue( j, message, 'indark'); } else { message = this.vars.message_indark.replace('#1', get); message = message.replace('#2', p.list[p.tr].name); this.dl_dialogue( j, message, 'indark'); dlframe = true; } } this.dl_dialogs[ j ] = 'false'; if ( dlframe ) { dlpath = this.get_dloader_path( get ); enc_get = encodeURIComponent( get ); jQuery('#mp3j_dlf_' + j).empty().append(''); } } }; MP3_JPLAYER.dl_interval_check = function ( j, can_write ) { if ( can_write !== false && this.read_cookie('mp3Download' + j) === 'true' ) { //got cookie back, all should be good this.dl_dialogue( j, this.vars.message_ok, 'hide'); this.clear_timers( j ); } else if ( this.dl_dialogs[ j ] !== 'false' ) { //got a message back this.dl_dialogue( j, this.dl_dialogs[ j ], 'add'); this.clear_timers( j ); } }; MP3_JPLAYER.dl_timeout = function ( j, can_write ) { this.clear_timers( j ); if ( can_write !== false ) { this.dl_dialogue( j, this.vars.message_timeout, 'add'); } }; MP3_JPLAYER.clear_timers = function ( j ) { if ( this.intervalIDs[ j ] !== null && this.timeoutIDs[ j ] !== null ) { clearInterval( this.intervalIDs[j] ); clearTimeout( this.timeoutIDs[j] ); this.intervalIDs[ j ] = null; this.timeoutIDs[j] = null; } jQuery('#mp3j_dlf_' + j).empty(); //ditch iframe this.write_cookie('mp3Download' + j, '', -1); //clear any cookie }; MP3_JPLAYER.dl_dialogue = function ( j, text, state ) { if ( 'check' === state ) { jQuery('#mp3j_finfo_gif_' + j).show(); jQuery('#mp3j_finfo_txt_' + j).empty().append(text).show(); jQuery('#mp3j_finfo_' + j).show(); } else if ( 'add' === state ) { jQuery('#mp3j_finfo_gif_' + j).hide(); jQuery('#mp3j_finfo_txt_' + j).empty().append(text).show(); } else if ( 'indark' === state ) { jQuery('#mp3j_finfo_gif_' + j).hide(); jQuery('#mp3j_finfo_txt_' + j).empty().append(text).show(); jQuery('#mp3j_finfo_' + j).fadeIn(100); } else if ( 'close' === state ) { jQuery('#mp3j_finfo_gif_' + j).hide(); jQuery('#mp3j_finfo_' + j).hide(); } else { jQuery('#mp3j_finfo_gif_' + j).hide(); if ( text !== '' ) { jQuery('#mp3j_finfo_txt_' + j).empty().append(text).show(); } jQuery('#mp3j_finfo_' + j).fadeOut(1000); } this.runExternals( 'download_dialog', { id: j, text: text, state: state } ); }; MP3_JPLAYER.read_cookie = function ( name ) { var i, cookie, allCookies = document.cookie.split('; '); if ( allCookies.length > 0 ) { for ( i = 0; i < allCookies.length; i += 1 ) { cookie = allCookies[i].split( '=' ); if ( cookie[0] === name ) { return cookie[1]; } } } return false; }; MP3_JPLAYER.write_cookie = function ( name, value, days ) { var date, expires = ""; if ( days ) { date = new Date(); date.setTime( date.getTime() + (days*24*60*60*1000) ); expires = "; expires=" + date.toUTCString(); } document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/"; return this.read_cookie( name ); }; MP3_JPLAYER.get_dloader_path = function ( loc ) { var k, path = "", file = "", chunks; chunks = loc.split('/'); file = chunks[chunks.length-1]; if ( loc.charAt(0) === '/' ) { path = this.plugin_path + '/download.php'; } else { path = chunks[2].replace(/^www./i, ""); if ( path === this.dl_domain ) { path = this.plugin_path + '/download.php'; } else { path = chunks[0] + '//' + chunks[2] + this.vars.dl_remote_path; } } return path; }; MP3_JPLAYER.is_local_dload = function ( loc ) { var domain = "", file = "", chunks, is_local = false; chunks = loc.split('/'); file = chunks[chunks.length-1]; if ( loc.charAt(0) === '/' ) { is_local = true; } else { domain = chunks[2].replace(/^www./i, ""); if ( domain === this.dl_domain ) { is_local = true; } } return is_local; };