if (document.getElementById("whapz-puzzle")) { //---------------------------------// // GLOBAL VARIABLES // //---------------------------------// /* Start Optional vars */ var whapz_horizontal_pieces = optional_puzzle_vars.whapz_horizontal_pieces; var whapz_vertical_pieces = optional_puzzle_vars.whapz_vertical_pieces; var whapz_scaling = optional_puzzle_vars.whapz_scaling; var whapz_canvas_color = optional_puzzle_vars.whapz_canvas_color; var whapz_opacity_img = optional_puzzle_vars.whapz_opacity_img; var whapz_control_panel_upload = optional_puzzle_vars.whapz_control_panel_upload; var whapz_post_id = optional_puzzle_vars.whapz_post_id; var whapz_bg_color = 'rgb(255, 255, 255, 0)'; var $ = jQuery; //for mobile if ($('#whapz-puzzle').parent().width() <= '768') { var whapz_image = optional_puzzle_vars.whapz_mobile_image; var height = 400; } // for desktop else { var whapz_image = optional_puzzle_vars.whapz_desktop_image; var height = 768; } /* End Optional vars */ // SCALING OPTIONS // scaling can have values as follows with full being the default // "fit" sets canvas and stage to dimensions and scales to fit inside window size // "outside" sets canvas and stage to dimensions and scales to fit outside window size // "full" sets stage to window size with no scaling // "tagID" add canvas to HTML tag of ID - set to dimensions if provided - no scaling // Global settings var scaling = whapz_scaling; // this will resize to fit inside the screen dimensions var countPieces = 0; var totalPieces = 0; var width = $('#' + scaling + '').width(); if ($.cookie('whapz_full_screen') != null) { $('#wha-puzzle canvas').remove(); $("html").animate({scrollTop: 0}, "fast"); $('.whapz-small').fadeOut(300); if ($(window).width() > 768) { var whapz_image = optional_puzzle_vars.whapz_desktop_image; } whapz_frame('full', width, height); let whapz_cpu = ''; if( whapz_control_panel_upload === '1' ){ whapz_cpu = "
\n"+ "
" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "
"; } $('body').append("
" + "\n" + "" + "
\n" + "
\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "
\n" + "00:00
\n" + whapz_cpu + "
\n" + "
"); $('.whapz-full').fadeIn(300); } else { wha_screen(scaling); } // Run app function wha_screen(scal, flag) { // Full screen if (scal == 'full') { $.cookie('whapz_full_screen', 'full'); window.location.replace(window.location.pathname + window.location.search + window.location.hash); } // Normal screen if (flag) { $.cookie('whapz_full_screen', null); // delete cookie window.location.replace(window.location.pathname + window.location.search + window.location.hash); } whapz_frame(scal, width, height); } // Created puzzle function whapz_frame(scal, width, height) { // as of ZIM 5.5.0 you do not need to put zim before ZIM functions and classes var frame = new Frame(scal, width, height); frame.on("ready", function () { zog("ready from ZIM Frame"); // logs in console (F12 - choose console) var stage = frame.stage; var stageW = frame.width; var stageH = frame.height; $('#myCanvas').css({'top': '-20px'}); var puzzleX; var puzzleY; frame.outerColor = whapz_bg_color; frame.color = whapz_canvas_color; var con = new Container; // with chaining - can also assign to a variable for later access var imageObj = []; var piecesArrayObj = []; frame.loadAssets(["" + whapz_image + ""], "/wp-content/uploads/"); var label = new Label({ text: "", size: 50, font: "courier", color: "black", rollColor: "#3a3a3a", fontOptions: "bold" }); stage.addChild(label); label.x = 20; label.y = 20; label.on("click", function () { zog("clicking"); }); frame.on("complete", function () { imageObj = frame.asset("" + whapz_image + "").clone(); imageObj.addTo(con); imageObj.alpha = whapz_opacity_img; var piecesArray = new Array(); var horizontalPieces = whapz_horizontal_pieces; var verticalPieces = whapz_vertical_pieces; var obj = getQueryString(); zog(obj); if (obj) { horizontalPieces = obj.row; verticalPieces = obj.column; } var imageWidth = imageObj.width; var imageHeight = imageObj.height; var pieceWidth = Math.round(imageWidth / horizontalPieces); var pieceHeight = Math.round(imageHeight / verticalPieces); var gap = 20; totalPieces = horizontalPieces * verticalPieces; puzzleX = stageW / 2 - imageWidth / 2; puzzleY = stageH / 2 - imageHeight / 2; imageObj.pos(puzzleX, puzzleY); zog(puzzleX, puzzleY); //label.text = "Completed: "+countPieces+"/"+totalPieces; $('.whapz-completed span').text(countPieces + "/" + totalPieces); for (var j = 0; j < verticalPieces; j++) { piecesArrayObj[j] = []; for (var i = 0; i < horizontalPieces; i++) { var n = j + i * verticalPieces; var offsetX = pieceWidth * i; var offsetY = pieceHeight * j; var x8 = Math.round(pieceWidth / 8); var y8 = Math.round(pieceHeight / 8); piecesArrayObj[j][i] = new Object(); piecesArrayObj[j][i].right = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); piecesArrayObj[j][i].down = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); if (j > 0) { piecesArrayObj[j][i].up = 1 - piecesArrayObj[j - 1][i].down; } if (i > 0) { piecesArrayObj[j][i].left = 1 - piecesArrayObj[j][i - 1].right; } piecesArray[n] = new Rectangle({ width: pieceWidth, height: pieceHeight, }); var tileObj = piecesArrayObj[j][i]; var s = new Shape; var context = s.graphics; s.drag(); s.mouseChildren = false; s.addEventListener("pressup", function (e) { var mc = e.currentTarget; var xx = Math.round(mc.x); var yy = Math.round(mc.y); //if (xx < puzzleX+gap / 2 && xx > puzzleX-gap / 2 && yy < puzzleX+gap / 2 && yy > puzzleY-gap / 2) if (xx < puzzleX + gap / 2 && xx > puzzleX - gap / 2 && yy > puzzleY - gap / 2) { if (!$('.whapz-startButton').hasAttr('data')) { WHAPZ_Clock.start(); $('.whapz-startButton').attr('data', 'start').css({'background': 'url("/wp-content/plugins/wha-puzzle/images/icon-pause.png") no-repeat 0 0'}); } mc.x = puzzleX; mc.y = puzzleY; mc.noDrag(); mc.addTo(mc.parent, 0); mc.mouseChildren = false; mc.mouseEnabled = false; mc.hint.visible = false; countPieces++; //label.text = "Completed: "+countPieces+"/"+totalPieces; $('.whapz-completed span').text(countPieces + "/" + totalPieces); zog("countPieces", countPieces); if (countPieces == totalPieces) { WHAPZ_Clock.pause(); $('.whapz-startButton').removeAttr('data').css({'background': 'url("/wp-content/plugins/wha-puzzle/images/icon-start.png") no-repeat 0 0'}); $('.whapz-used-minutes').text($('.whapz-min').eq(0).text()); $('.whapz-used-second').text($('.whapz-sec').eq(0).text()); $('.whapz_tw_share').attr("href", "https://twitter.com/share?text=" + encodeURIComponent('I did in ') + "" + $('.whapz-min').eq(0).text() + ":" + $('.whapz-sec').eq(0).text() + " " + encodeURIComponent('minutes, can you beat my record?') + ""); $('.whapz_fb_share').attr("href", "https://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=http://"+window.location.hostname+"&t=" + encodeURIComponent('I did in ') + "" + $('.whapz-min').eq(0).text() + ":" + $('.whapz-sec').eq(0).text() + " " + encodeURIComponent('minutes, can you beat my record?') + ""); $('.whapz_ln_share').attr("href", "http://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?summary=" + encodeURIComponent('I did in ') + "" + $('.whapz-min').eq(0).text() + ":" + $('.whapz-sec').eq(0).text() + " " + encodeURIComponent('minutes, can you beat my record?') + ""); $('#overlay').fadeIn(400, function () { $('#modal_form') .css('display', 'block') .animate({opacity: 1, top: '50%'}, 200); if( $('#modal_form .wrapper-inner iframe').length > 0 ) { const iframe = $('#modal_form .wrapper-inner iframe'); iframe.css('height', '250px'); iframe.css('width', '100%'); if($(iframe[0]).context.height > 250 ) { $('#modal_form .wrapper-inner').css({'overflowY':'scroll','maxHeight':'250px'}); } } if ( $('#modal_form .wrapper-inner').height() > 250 && $('#modal_form .wrapper-inner iframe').length === 0) { $('#modal_form .wrapper-inner').css({'overflowY':'scroll','maxHeight':'250px'}) } }); } stage.update(); } }); context.setStrokeStyle(3, "round"); var commandi1 = context.beginStroke(createjs.Graphics.getRGB(0, 0, 0)).command; // var commandi = context.beginBitmapFill(imageObj.image).command; context.moveTo(offsetX, offsetY); if (j != 0) { context.lineTo(offsetX + 3 * x8, offsetY); if (tileObj.up == 1) { context.curveTo(offsetX + 2 * x8, offsetY - 2 * y8, offsetX + 4 * x8, offsetY - 2 * y8); context.curveTo(offsetX + 6 * x8, offsetY - 2 * y8, offsetX + 5 * x8, offsetY); } else { context.curveTo(offsetX + 2 * x8, offsetY + 2 * y8, offsetX + 4 * x8, offsetY + 2 * y8); context.curveTo(offsetX + 6 * x8, offsetY + 2 * y8, offsetX + 5 * x8, offsetY); } } context.lineTo(offsetX + 8 * x8, offsetY); if (i != horizontalPieces - 1) { context.lineTo(offsetX + 8 * x8, offsetY + 3 * y8); if (tileObj.right == 1) { context.curveTo(offsetX + 10 * x8, offsetY + 2 * y8, offsetX + 10 * x8, offsetY + 4 * y8); context.curveTo(offsetX + 10 * x8, offsetY + 6 * y8, offsetX + 8 * x8, offsetY + 5 * y8); } else { context.curveTo(offsetX + 6 * x8, offsetY + 2 * y8, offsetX + 6 * x8, offsetY + 4 * y8); context.curveTo(offsetX + 6 * x8, offsetY + 6 * y8, offsetX + 8 * x8, offsetY + 5 * y8); } } context.lineTo(offsetX + 8 * x8, offsetY + 8 * y8); if (j != verticalPieces - 1) { context.lineTo(offsetX + 5 * x8, offsetY + 8 * y8); if (tileObj.down == 1) { context.curveTo(offsetX + 6 * x8, offsetY + 10 * y8, offsetX + 4 * x8, offsetY + 10 * y8); context.curveTo(offsetX + 2 * x8, offsetY + 10 * y8, offsetX + 3 * x8, offsetY + 8 * y8); } else { context.curveTo(offsetX + 6 * x8, offsetY + 6 * y8, offsetX + 4 * x8, offsetY + 6 * y8); context.curveTo(offsetX + 2 * x8, offsetY + 6 * y8, offsetX + 3 * x8, offsetY + 8 * y8); } } context.lineTo(offsetX, offsetY + 8 * y8); if (i != 0) { context.lineTo(offsetX, offsetY + 5 * y8); if (tileObj.left == 1) { context.curveTo(offsetX - 2 * x8, offsetY + 6 * y8, offsetX - 2 * x8, offsetY + 4 * y8); context.curveTo(offsetX - 2 * x8, offsetY + 2 * y8, offsetX, offsetY + 3 * y8); } else { context.curveTo(offsetX + 2 * x8, offsetY + 6 * y8, offsetX + 2 * x8, offsetY + 4 * y8); context.curveTo(offsetX + 2 * x8, offsetY + 2 * y8, offsetX, offsetY + 3 * y8); } } context.lineTo(offsetX, offsetY); s.addTo(con); var fill = new createjs.Graphics.Fill("red"); //var newGra = context.append(fill); var hint = new Shape();//s.clone(true); hint.mouseChildren = false; hint.mouseEnabled = false; s.hint = hint; hint.graphics = context.clone(true); hint.pos(puzzleX, puzzleY); // newGra.graphics = newGra; hint.graphics._fill = fill; hint.graphics._fill.style = null; hint.addTo(con, 0); //s.animate({obj:{x:frame.width-offsetX-pieceWidth,y:frame.height-offsetY-pieceHeight}, time:700}); //s.animate({obj:{x:-offsetX,y:-offsetY}, time:700}); s.animate({ obj: { x: rand(-offsetX, stageW - offsetX - pieceWidth), y: rand(-offsetY, stageH - offsetY - pieceHeight) }, time: 700 }); } } con.addTo(stage); /*con.x -= imageWidth/2; con.y -= imageHeight/2;*/ stage.update(); }); // end asset complete stage.update(); // this is needed to show any changes }); // end of ready } // Close modal window --- $('#modal_close, #overlay').click(function () { var src = $('#modal_form iframe').attr('src'); $('#modal_form iframe').attr('src', ''); $('#modal_form iframe').attr('src', src); $('#modal_form') .animate({opacity: 0, top: '45%'}, 200, function () { jQuery(this).css('display', 'none'); jQuery('#overlay').fadeOut(400); } ); }); // Init obj clock var WHAPZ_Clock = { totalSeconds: 0, start: function () { var self = this; function pad(val) { return val > 9 ? val : "0" + val; } this.interval = setInterval(function () { self.totalSeconds += 1; $(".whapz-min").text(pad(Math.floor(self.totalSeconds / 60 % 60))); $(".whapz-sec").text(pad(parseInt(self.totalSeconds % 60))); }, 1000); }, reset: function () { WHAPZ_Clock.totalSeconds = null; clearInterval(this.interval); $(".whapz-min").text("00"); $(".whapz-sec").text("00"); }, pause: function () { clearInterval(this.interval); delete this.interval; } }; // Buttons panel $('.whapz-startButton').click(function () { if (!$(this).hasAttr('data')) { WHAPZ_Clock.start(); $('.whapz-startButton').attr('data', 'start').css({'background': 'url("/wp-content/plugins/wha-puzzle/images/icon-pause.png") no-repeat 0 0'}); } else { WHAPZ_Clock.pause(); $('.whapz-startButton').removeAttr('data').css({'background': 'url("/wp-content/plugins/wha-puzzle/images/icon-start.png") no-repeat 0 0'}); } }); $('.whapz-resetButton').click(function () { window.location.replace(window.location.pathname + window.location.search + window.location.hash); }); $.fn.hasAttr = function (name) { return this.attr(name) !== undefined; }; /** * Upload Image on Frontend Page */ window.onload = function() { // Add event Button $('.whapz-panel-puzzle .whapz-add-image').on('click',function(e){ let btn = $(this); let label = $('.whapz-panel-puzzle form label'); let file_data = $('.whapz-panel-puzzle #imagefile').prop('files')[0]; let form = document.getElementById('formElem'); let id_post = $('.whapz-panel-puzzle #id_post').val(); let form_data = new FormData(form); if( undefined !== file_data && ( file_data.type === 'image/png' || file_data.type === 'image/jpg' || file_data.type === 'image/gif' || file_data.type === 'image/jpeg')) { form_data.append('file', file_data); form_data.append('id_post', id_post); form_data.append('action', 'frontend_image'); let ajax_url ='/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php'; $.ajax({ url: ajax_url, type: 'post', async: true, cache: false, contentType: false, enctype: 'multipart/form-data', processData: false, data: form_data, beforeSend: function() { btn.attr({'value':'','disabled':'disabled'}) .css( {'backgroundImage':'url("/wp-content/plugins/wha-puzzle/images/spinner.gif")', 'backgroundPosition':'center center', 'backgroundRepeat':'no-repeat', 'backgroundSize':'contain', 'width':'107px', 'cursor':'no-drop' }); }, success: function (res) { let result = JSON.parse(res); if(result.status === 1){ window.location.replace(window.location.pathname + window.location.search + window.location.hash); } else { btn.attr({'value':'Error uploaded'}).css({'backgroundColor':'#f7a4a4'}); } }, error: function (response) { btn.attr({'value':'Error uploaded'}).css({'backgroundColor':'#f7a4a4'}); console.error(response); } }); } else { label.css({'backgroundColor':'#f7a4a4'}).text('Select Image'); } }); }; }