"use strict"; // Qgis2threejs.js // (C) 2014 Minoru Akagi | MIT License // https://github.com/minorua/Qgis2threejs var Q3D = {VERSION: "1.3"}; Q3D.Options = { bgcolor: null, light: { directional: { azimuth: 220, // note: default light azimuth of gdaldem hillshade is 315. altitude: 45 // altitude angle } }, side: {color: 0xc7ac92, bottomZ: -1.5}, frame: {color: 0, bottomZ: -1.5}, label: {visible: true, connectorColor: 0xc0c0d0, autoSize: false, minFontSize: 10}, qmarker: {r: 0.25, c: 0xffff00, o: 0.8}, debugMode: false, exportMode: false, jsonLoader: "JSONLoader" // JSONLoader or ObjectLoader }; Q3D.LayerType = {DEM: "dem", Point: "point", Line: "line", Polygon: "polygon"}; Q3D.MaterialType = {MeshLambert: 0, MeshPhong: 1, LineBasic: 2, Sprite: 3, Unknown: -1}; Q3D.uv = {i: new THREE.Vector3(1, 0, 0), j: new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0), k: new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1)}; Q3D.ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); Q3D.isIE = (Q3D.ua.indexOf("msie") != -1 || Q3D.ua.indexOf("trident") != -1); Q3D.$ = function (elementId) { return document.getElementById(elementId); }; /* Q3D.Project - Project data holder params: title, crs, proj, baseExtent, rotation, width, zExaggeration, zShift, wgs84Center */ Q3D.Project = function (params) { for (var k in params) { this[k] = params[k]; } var w = (this.baseExtent[2] - this.baseExtent[0]), h = (this.baseExtent[3] - this.baseExtent[1]); this.height = this.width * h / w; this.scale = this.width / w; this.zScale = this.scale * this.zExaggeration; this.origin = {x: this.baseExtent[0] + w / 2, y: this.baseExtent[1] + h / 2, z: -this.zShift}; this.layers = []; this.models = []; this.images = []; }; Q3D.Project.prototype = { constructor: Q3D.Project, addLayer: function (layer) { layer.index = this.layers.length; layer.project = this; this.layers.push(layer); return layer; }, layerCount: function () { return this.layers.length; }, getLayerByName: function (name) { for (var i = 0, l = this.layers.length; i < l; i++) { var layer = this.layers[i]; if (layer.name == name) return layer; } return null; }, _rotatePoint: function (point, degrees, origin) { // Rotate point around the origin var theta = degrees * Math.PI / 180, c = Math.cos(theta), s = Math.sin(theta), x = point.x, y = point.y; if (origin) { x -= origin.x; y -= origin.y; } // rotate counter-clockwise var xd = x * c - y * s, yd = x * s + y * c; if (origin) { xd += origin.x; yd += origin.y; } return {x: xd, y: yd}; }, toMapCoordinates: function (x, y, z) { if (this.rotation) { var pt = this._rotatePoint({x: x, y: y}, this.rotation); x = pt.x; y = pt.y; } return {x: x / this.scale + this.origin.x, y: y / this.scale + this.origin.y, z: z / this.zScale + this.origin.z}; } // buildCustomLights: function (parent) {}, // buildCustomCamera: function () {} }; /* the application limitations: - one renderer - one scene */ Q3D.application = { init: function (container) { this.container = container; this.running = false; // URL parameters this.urlParams = this.parseUrlParameters(); if ("popup" in this.urlParams) { // open popup window var c = window.location.href.split("?"); window.open(c[0] + "?" + c[1].replace(/&?popup/, ""), "popup", "width=" + this.urlParams.width + ",height=" + this.urlParams.height); this.popup.show("Another window has been opened."); return; } if (this.urlParams.width && this.urlParams.height) { // set container size container.style.width = this.urlParams.width + "px"; container.style.height = this.urlParams.height + "px"; } if (container.clientWidth && container.clientHeight) { this.width = container.clientWidth; this.height = container.clientHeight; this._fullWindow = false; } else { this.width = window.innerWidth; this.height = window.innerHeight; this._fullWindow = true; } // WebGLRenderer var bgcolor = Q3D.Options.bgcolor; this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({alpha: true}); this.renderer.setSize(this.width, this.height); this.renderer.setClearColor(bgcolor || 0, (bgcolor === null) ? 0 : 1); this.container.appendChild(this.renderer.domElement); // scene this.scene = new THREE.Scene(); this._queryableObjects = []; this.queryObjNeedsUpdate = true; // label this.labelVisibility = Q3D.Options.label.visible; this.labelConnectorGroup = new THREE.Group(); this.labels = []; // labels of visible layers // root element for labels var e = document.createElement("div"); e.style.display = (this.labelVisibility) ? "block" : "none"; this.container.appendChild(e); this.labelRootElement = e; this.modelBuilders = []; this._wireframeMode = false; }, parseUrlParameters: function () { var p, vars = {}; var params = window.location.search.substring(1).split('&').concat(window.location.hash.substring(1).split('&')); params.forEach(function (param) { p = param.split('='); vars[p[0]] = p[1]; }); return vars; }, loadProject: function (project) { this.project = project; // light if (project.buildCustomLights) project.buildCustomLights(this.scene); else this.buildDefaultLights(this.scene); // camera if (project.buildCustomCamera) project.buildCustomCamera(); else this.buildDefaultCamera(); // restore view (camera position and its target) from URL parameters var vars = this.urlParams; if (vars.cx !== undefined) this.camera.position.set(parseFloat(vars.cx), parseFloat(vars.cy), parseFloat(vars.cz)); if (vars.ux !== undefined) this.camera.up.set(parseFloat(vars.ux), parseFloat(vars.uy), parseFloat(vars.uz)); if (vars.tx !== undefined) this.camera.lookAt(parseFloat(vars.tx), parseFloat(vars.ty), parseFloat(vars.tz)); // controls if (Q3D.Controls) { this.controls = Q3D.Controls.create(this.camera, this.renderer.domElement); if (vars.tx !== undefined) { this.controls.target.set(parseFloat(vars.tx), parseFloat(vars.ty), parseFloat(vars.tz)); this.controls.target0.copy(this.controls.target); // for reset } } // load models if (project.models.length > 0) { project.models.forEach(function (model, index) { if (model.type == "COLLADA") { this.modelBuilders[index] = new Q3D.ModelBuilder.COLLADA(this.project, model); } else if (Q3D.Options.jsonLoader == "ObjectLoader") { this.modelBuilders[index] = new Q3D.ModelBuilder.JSONObject(this.project, model); } else { this.modelBuilders[index] = new Q3D.ModelBuilder.JSON(this.project, model); } }, this); } // build models project.layers.forEach(function (layer) { layer.initMaterials(); layer.build(this.scene); // build labels if (layer.l) { layer.buildLabels(this.labelConnectorGroup, this.labelRootElement); this.labels = this.labels.concat(layer.labels); } }, this); if (this.labels.length) this.scene.add(this.labelConnectorGroup); // wireframe mode setting if ("wireframe" in this.urlParams) this.setWireframeMode(true); // create a marker for queried point var opt = Q3D.Options.qmarker; this.queryMarker = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.SphereGeometry(opt.r), new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({color: opt.c, ambient: opt.c, opacity: opt.o, transparent: (opt.o < 1)})); this.queryMarker.visible = false; this.scene.add(this.queryMarker); this.highlightMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({emissive: 0x999900, transparent: true, opacity: 0.5}); if (!Q3D.isIE) this.highlightMaterial.side = THREE.DoubleSide; // Shader compilation error occurs with double sided material on IE11 this.selectedLayerId = null; this.selectedFeatureId = null; this.highlightObject = null; }, addEventListeners: function () { window.addEventListener("keydown", this.eventListener.keydown.bind(this)); window.addEventListener("resize", this.eventListener.resize.bind(this)); var e = Q3D.$("closebtn"); if (e) e.addEventListener("click", this.closePopup.bind(this)); }, eventListener: { keydown: function (e) { if (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey) return; var keyPressed = e.which; if (!e.shiftKey) { if (keyPressed == 27) this.closePopup(); // ESC else if (keyPressed == 73) this.showInfo(); // I else if (keyPressed == 76) this.setLabelVisibility(!this.labelVisibility); // L else if (keyPressed == 87) this.setWireframeMode(!this._wireframeMode); // W } else { if (keyPressed == 82) this.controls.reset(); // Shift + R else if (keyPressed == 83) this.showPrintDialog(); // Shift + S } }, resize: function () { if (this._fullWindow) this.setCanvasSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); } }, setCanvasSize: function (width, height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.camera.aspect = width / height; this.camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); this.renderer.setSize(width, height); }, buildDefaultLights: function (parent) { var deg2rad = Math.PI / 180; // ambient light parent.add(new THREE.AmbientLight(0x999999)); // directional lights var opt = Q3D.Options.light.directional; var lambda = (90 - opt.azimuth) * deg2rad; var phi = opt.altitude * deg2rad; var x = Math.cos(phi) * Math.cos(lambda), y = Math.cos(phi) * Math.sin(lambda), z = Math.sin(phi); var light1 = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 0.5); light1.position.set(x, y, z); parent.add(light1); // thin light from the opposite direction var light2 = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 0.1); light2.position.set(-x, -y, -z); parent.add(light2); }, buildDefaultCamera: function () { this.camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(45, this.width / this.height, 0.1, 1000); this.camera.position.set(0, -100, 100); }, currentViewUrl: function () { var c = this.camera.position, t = this.controls.target, u = this.camera.up; var hash = "#cx=" + c.x + "&cy=" + c.y + "&cz=" + c.z; if (t.x || t.y || t.z) hash += "&tx=" + t.x + "&ty=" + t.y + "&tz=" + t.z; if (u.x || u.y || u.z != 1) hash += "&ux=" + u.x + "&uy=" + u.y + "&uz=" + u.z; return window.location.href.split("#")[0] + hash; }, // start rendering loop start: function () { this.running = true; if (this.controls) this.controls.enabled = true; this.animate(); }, pause: function () { this.running = false; if (this.controls) this.controls.enabled = false; }, // animation loop animate: function () { if (this.running) requestAnimationFrame(this.animate.bind(this)); if (this.controls) this.controls.update(); this.render(); }, render: function () { this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera); this.updateLabelPosition(); }, // update label position updateLabelPosition: function () { if (!this.labelVisibility || this.labels.length == 0) return; var widthHalf = this.width / 2, heightHalf = this.height / 2, autosize = Q3D.Options.label.autoSize, camera = this.camera, camera_pos = camera.position, c2t = this.controls.target.clone().sub(camera_pos), c2l = new THREE.Vector3(), v = new THREE.Vector3(); // make a list of [label index, distance to camera] var idx_dist = []; for (var i = 0, l = this.labels.length; i < l; i++) { idx_dist.push([i, camera_pos.distanceTo(this.labels[i].pt)]); } // sort label indexes in descending order of distances idx_dist.sort(function (a, b) { if (a[1] < b[1]) return 1; if (a[1] > b[1]) return -1; return 0; }); var label, e, x, y, dist, fontSize; var minFontSize = Q3D.Options.label.minFontSize; for (var i = 0, l = idx_dist.length; i < l; i++) { label = this.labels[idx_dist[i][0]]; e = label.e; if (c2l.subVectors(label.pt, camera_pos).dot(c2t) > 0) { // label is in front // calculate label position v.copy(label.pt).project(camera); x = (v.x * widthHalf) + widthHalf; y = -(v.y * heightHalf) + heightHalf; // set label position e.style.display = "block"; e.style.left = (x - (e.offsetWidth / 2)) + "px"; e.style.top = (y - (e.offsetHeight / 2)) + "px"; e.style.zIndex = i + 1; // set font size if (autosize) { dist = idx_dist[i][1]; if (dist < 10) dist = 10; fontSize = Math.max(Math.round(1000 / dist), minFontSize); e.style.fontSize = fontSize + "px"; } } else { // label is in back e.style.display = "none"; } } }, labelVisibilityChanged: function () { this.labels = []; this.project.layers.forEach(function (layer) { if (layer.l && layer.visible) this.labels = this.labels.concat(layer.labels); }, this); }, setLabelVisibility: function (visible) { this.labelVisibility = visible; this.labelRootElement.style.display = (visible) ? "block" : "none"; this.labelConnectorGroup.visible = visible; if (this.labels.length) this.render(); }, setWireframeMode: function (wireframe) { if (wireframe == this._wireframeMode) return; this.project.layers.forEach(function (layer) { layer.setWireframeMode(wireframe); }); this._wireframeMode = wireframe; }, queryableObjects: function () { if (this.queryObjNeedsUpdate) { this._queryableObjects = []; this.project.layers.forEach(function (layer) { if (layer.visible && layer.queryableObjects.length) this._queryableObjects = this._queryableObjects.concat(layer.queryableObjects); }, this); } return this._queryableObjects; }, intersectObjects: function (offsetX, offsetY) { var x = (offsetX / this.width) * 2 - 1; var y = -(offsetY / this.height) * 2 + 1; var vector = new THREE.Vector3(x, y, 1); vector.unproject(this.camera); var ray = new THREE.Raycaster(this.camera.position, vector.sub(this.camera.position).normalize()); return ray.intersectObjects(this.queryableObjects()); }, _offset: function (elm) { var top = 0, left = 0; do { top += elm.offsetTop || 0; left += elm.offsetLeft || 0; elm = elm.offsetParent; } while (elm); return {top: top, left: left}; }, help: function () { var lines = (Q3D.Controls === undefined) ? [] : Q3D.Controls.keyList; if (lines.indexOf("* Keys") == -1) lines.push("* Keys"); lines = lines.concat([ "I : Show Information About Page", "L : Toggle Label Visibility", "W : Wireframe Mode", "Shift + R : Reset View", "Shift + S : Save Image" ]); var html = ''; lines.forEach(function (line) { if (line.trim() == "") return; if (line[0] == "*") { html += '"; } else if (line.indexOf(":") == -1) { html += '"; } else { var p = line.split(":"); html += ""; } }); html += "
' + line.substr(1).trim() + "
' + line.trim() + "
" + p[0].trim() + "" + p[1].trim() + "
"; return html; }, popup: { modal: false, // show box // obj: html or element show: function (obj, title, modal) { if (modal) Q3D.application.pause(); else if (this.modal) Q3D.application.start(); // enable controls this.modal = Boolean(modal); var content = Q3D.$("popupcontent"); if (obj === undefined) { // show page info content.style.display = "none"; Q3D.$("pageinfo").style.display = "block"; } else { Q3D.$("pageinfo").style.display = "none"; if (obj instanceof HTMLElement) { content.innerHTML = ""; content.appendChild(obj); } else { content.innerHTML = obj; } content.style.display = "block"; } Q3D.$("popupbar").innerHTML = title || ""; Q3D.$("popup").style.display = "block"; }, hide: function () { Q3D.$("popup").style.display = "none"; if (this.modal) Q3D.application.start(); // enable controls } }, showInfo: function () { Q3D.$("urlbox").value = this.currentViewUrl(); Q3D.$("usage").innerHTML = this.help(); this.popup.show(); }, showQueryResult: function (point, layerId, featureId) { var layer, r = []; if (layerId !== undefined) { // layer name layer = this.project.layers[layerId]; r.push(''); r.push(""); r.push(""); r.push("
Layer name
" + layer.name + "
"); } // clicked coordinates var pt = this.project.toMapCoordinates(point.x, point.y, point.z); r.push(''); r.push(""); r.push("
Clicked coordinates
"); if (typeof proj4 === "undefined") r.push([pt.x.toFixed(2), pt.y.toFixed(2), pt.z.toFixed(2)].join(", ")); else { var lonLat = proj4(this.project.proj).inverse([pt.x, pt.y]); r.push(Q3D.Utils.convertToDMS(lonLat[1], lonLat[0]) + ", Elev. " + pt.z.toFixed(2)); } r.push("
"); if (layerId !== undefined && featureId !== undefined && layer.a !== undefined) { // attributes r.push(''); r.push(""); var f = layer.f[featureId]; for (var i = 0, l = layer.a.length; i < l; i++) { r.push(""); } r.push("
" + layer.a[i] + "" + f.a[i] + "
"); } this.popup.show(r.join("")); }, showPrintDialog: function () { function e (tagName, parent, innerHTML) { var elem = document.createElement(tagName); if (parent) parent.appendChild(elem); if (innerHTML) elem.innerHTML = innerHTML; return elem; } var f = e("form"); f.className = "print"; var d1 = e("div", f, "Image Size"); d1.style.textDecoration = "underline"; var d2 = e("div", f), l1 = e("label", d2, "Width:"), width = e("input", d2); d2.style.cssFloat = "left"; l1.htmlFor = width.id = width.name = "printwidth"; width.type = "text"; width.value = this.width; e("span", d2, "px,") var d3 = e("div", f), l2 = e("label", d3, "Height:"), height = e("input", d3); l2.htmlFor = height.id = height.name = "printheight"; height.type = "text"; height.value = this.height; e("span", d3, "px"); var d4 = e("div", f), ka = e("input", d4); ka.type = "checkbox"; ka.checked = true; e("span", d4, "Keep Aspect Ratio"); var d5 = e("div", f, "Option"); d5.style.textDecoration = "underline"; var d6 = e("div", f), bg = e("input", d6); bg.type = "checkbox"; bg.checked = true; e("span", d6, "Fill Background"); var d7 = e("div", f), ok = e("span", d7, "OK"), cancel = e("span", d7, "Cancel"); d7.className = "buttonbox"; e("input", f).type = "submit"; // event handlers // width and height boxes var aspect = this.width / this.height; width.oninput = function () { if (ka.checked) height.value = Math.round(width.value / aspect); }; height.oninput = function () { if (ka.checked) width.value = Math.round(height.value * aspect); }; var app = this; ok.onclick = function () { app.popup.show("Rendering..."); window.setTimeout(function () { app.saveCanvasImage(width.value, height.value, bg.checked); }, 10); }; cancel.onclick = this.closePopup.bind(this); // enter key pressed f.onsubmit = function () { ok.onclick(); return false; } this.popup.show(f, "Save Image", true); // modal }, closePopup: function () { this.popup.hide(); this.queryMarker.visible = false; this.highlightFeature(null, null); if (this._canvasImageUrl) { URL.revokeObjectURL(this._canvasImageUrl); this._canvasImageUrl = null; } }, highlightFeature: function (layerId, featureId) { if (this.highlightObject) { // remove highlight object from the scene this.scene.remove(this.highlightObject); this.selectedLayerId = null; this.selectedFeatureId = null; this.highlightObject = null; } if (layerId === null || featureId === null) return; var layer = this.project.layers[layerId]; if (layer === undefined) return; if (["Icon", "JSON model", "COLLADA model"].indexOf(layer.objType) != -1) return; var f = layer.f[featureId]; if (f === undefined || f.objs.length == 0) return; var high_mat = this.highlightMaterial; var setMaterial = function (obj) { obj.material = high_mat; }; // create a highlight object (if layer type is Point, slightly bigger than the object) var highlightObject = new THREE.Group(); var clone, s = (layer.type == Q3D.LayerType.Point) ? 1.01 : 1; for (var i = 0, l = f.objs.length; i < l; i++) { clone = f.objs[i].clone(); clone.traverse(setMaterial); if (s != 1) clone.scale.set(clone.scale.x * s, clone.scale.y * s, clone.scale.z * s); highlightObject.add(clone); } // add the highlight object to the scene this.scene.add(highlightObject); this.selectedLayerId = layerId; this.selectedFeatureId = featureId; this.highlightObject = highlightObject; }, // Called from *Controls.js when canvas is clicked canvasClicked: function (e) { var canvasOffset = this._offset(this.renderer.domElement); var objs = this.intersectObjects(e.clientX - canvasOffset.left, e.clientY - canvasOffset.top); for (var i = 0, l = objs.length; i < l; i++) { var obj = objs[i]; if (!obj.object.visible) continue; // query marker this.queryMarker.position.set(obj.point.x, obj.point.y, obj.point.z); this.queryMarker.visible = true; // get layerId and featureId of clicked object var object = obj.object, layerId, featureId; while (object) { layerId = object.userData.layerId, featureId = object.userData.featureId; if (layerId !== undefined) break; object = object.parent; } // highlight clicked object this.highlightFeature((layerId === undefined) ? null : layerId, (featureId === undefined) ? null : featureId); this.showQueryResult(obj.point, layerId, featureId); if (Q3D.Options.debugMode && object instanceof THREE.Mesh) { var face = obj.face, geom = object.geometry; if (face) { if (geom instanceof THREE.Geometry) { var v = object.geometry.vertices; console.log(v[face.a], v[face.b], v[face.c]); } else { console.log("Qgis2threejs: [DEBUG] THREE.BufferGeometry"); } } } return; } this.closePopup(); }, saveCanvasImage: function (width, height, fill_background) { if (fill_background === undefined) fill_background = true; // set canvas size var old_size; if (width && height) { old_size = [this.width, this.height]; this.setCanvasSize(width, height); } // functions var app = this; var saveBlob = function (blob) { var filename = "image.png"; // ie if (window.navigator.msSaveBlob !== undefined) { window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, filename); app.popup.hide(); } else { // create object url if (app._canvasImageUrl) URL.revokeObjectURL(app._canvasImageUrl); app._canvasImageUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob); // display a link to save the image var e = document.createElement("a"); e.className = "download-link"; e.href = app._canvasImageUrl; e.download = filename; e.innerHTML = "Save"; app.popup.show("Click to save the image to a file." + e.outerHTML, "Image is ready"); } }; var saveCanvasImage = function (canvas) { if (canvas.toBlob !== undefined) { canvas.toBlob(saveBlob); } else { // !HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.toBlob // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLCanvasElement.toBlob var binStr = atob(canvas.toDataURL("image/png").split(',')[1]), len = binStr.length, arr = new Uint8Array(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { arr[i] = binStr.charCodeAt(i); } saveBlob(new Blob([arr], {type: "image/png"})); } }; var renderLabels = function (ctx) { // context settings ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; // get label style from css var elem = document.createElement("div"); elem.className = "print-label"; document.body.appendChild(elem); var style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, ""), color = style.color; ctx.font = style.font; document.body.removeChild(elem); var widthHalf = width / 2, heightHalf = height / 2, camera = app.camera, camera_pos = camera.position, c2t = app.controls.target.clone().sub(camera_pos), c2l = new THREE.Vector3(), v = new THREE.Vector3(); // make a list of [label index, distance to camera] var idx_dist = []; for (var i = 0, l = app.labels.length; i < l; i++) { idx_dist.push([i, camera_pos.distanceTo(app.labels[i].pt)]); } // sort label indexes in descending order of distances idx_dist.sort(function (a, b) { if (a[1] < b[1]) return 1; if (a[1] > b[1]) return -1; return 0; }); var label, text, x, y; for (var i = 0, l = idx_dist.length; i < l; i++) { label = app.labels[idx_dist[i][0]]; text = label.e.textContent; if (c2l.subVectors(label.pt, camera_pos).dot(c2t) > 0) { // label is in front // calculate label position v.copy(label.pt).project(camera); x = (v.x * widthHalf) + widthHalf; y = -(v.y * heightHalf) + heightHalf; if (x < 0 || width <= x || y < 0 || height <= y) continue; // outline effect ctx.fillStyle = "#FFF"; for (var j = 0; j < 9; j++) { if (j != 4) ctx.fillText(text, x + Math.floor(j / 3) - 1, y + j % 3 - 1); } ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.fillText(text, x, y); } } }; var restoreCanvasSize = function () { // restore canvas size if (old_size) app.setCanvasSize(old_size[0], old_size[1]); app.render(); }; // background option if (!fill_background) this.renderer.setClearColor(0, 0); // render this.renderer.preserveDrawingBuffer = true; this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera); // restore clear color var bgcolor = Q3D.Options.bgcolor; this.renderer.setClearColor(bgcolor || 0, (bgcolor === null) ? 0 : 1); var render_labels = (this.labelVisibility && this.labels.length > 0); if ((fill_background && bgcolor === null) || render_labels) { var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); if (fill_background && bgcolor === null) { // render "sky-like" background var grad = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, height); grad.addColorStop(0, "#98c8f6"); grad.addColorStop(0.4, "#cbebff"); grad.addColorStop(1, "#f0f9ff"); ctx.fillStyle = grad; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); } var image = new Image(); image.onload = function () { // draw webgl canvas image ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height); // render labels if (render_labels) renderLabels(ctx); // save canvas image saveCanvasImage(canvas); restoreCanvasSize(); }; image.src = this.renderer.domElement.toDataURL("image/png"); } else { // save webgl canvas image saveCanvasImage(this.renderer.domElement); restoreCanvasSize(); } } }; /* Q3D.DEMBlock */ Q3D.DEMBlock = function (params) { for (var k in params) { this[k] = params[k]; } this.aObjs = []; }; Q3D.DEMBlock.prototype = { constructor: Q3D.DEMBlock, build: function (layer) { var PlaneGeometry = (Q3D.Options.exportMode) ? THREE.PlaneGeometry : THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry, geom = new PlaneGeometry(this.plane.width, this.plane.height, this.width - 1, this.height - 1), dem_data = this.data; // Filling of the DEM plane if (Q3D.Options.exportMode) { for (var i = 0, l = geom.vertices.length; i < l; i++) { geom.vertices[i].z = dem_data[i]; } } else { var vertices = geom.attributes.position.array; for (var i = 0, j = 0, l = vertices.length; i < l; i++, j += 3) { vertices[j + 2] = dem_data[i]; } } // Calculate normals if (layer.shading) { geom.computeFaceNormals(); geom.computeVertexNormals(); } var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geom, layer.materials[this.m].m); if (this.plane.offsetX != 0) mesh.position.x = this.plane.offsetX; if (this.plane.offsetY != 0) mesh.position.y = this.plane.offsetY; mesh.userData.layerId = layer.index; this.obj = mesh; layer.addObject(mesh); }, buildSides: function (layer, material, z0) { var PlaneGeometry = (Q3D.Options.exportMode) ? THREE.PlaneGeometry : THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry; var band_width = -z0 * 2, dem_data = this.data, w = this.width, h = this.height, HALF_PI = Math.PI / 2; var i, mesh; // front and back var geom_fr = new PlaneGeometry(this.plane.width, band_width, w - 1, 1), geom_ba = new PlaneGeometry(this.plane.width, band_width, w - 1, 1); var k = w * (h - 1); if (Q3D.Options.exportMode) { for (i = 0; i < w; i++) { geom_fr.vertices[i].y = dem_data[k + i]; geom_ba.vertices[i].y = dem_data[w - 1 - i]; } } else { var vertices_fr = geom_fr.attributes.position.array, vertices_ba = geom_ba.attributes.position.array; for (i = 0; i < w; i++) { vertices_fr[i * 3 + 1] = dem_data[k + i]; vertices_ba[i * 3 + 1] = dem_data[w - 1 - i]; } } mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geom_fr, material); mesh.position.y = -this.plane.height / 2; mesh.rotateOnAxis(Q3D.uv.i, HALF_PI); layer.addObject(mesh, false); this.aObjs.push(mesh); mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geom_ba, material); mesh.position.y = this.plane.height / 2; mesh.rotateOnAxis(Q3D.uv.k, Math.PI); mesh.rotateOnAxis(Q3D.uv.i, HALF_PI); layer.addObject(mesh, false); this.aObjs.push(mesh); // left and right var geom_le = new PlaneGeometry(band_width, this.plane.height, 1, h - 1), geom_ri = new PlaneGeometry(band_width, this.plane.height, 1, h - 1); if (Q3D.Options.exportMode) { for (i = 0; i < h; i++) { geom_le.vertices[i * 2 + 1].x = dem_data[w * i]; geom_ri.vertices[i * 2].x = -dem_data[w * (i + 1) - 1]; } } else { var vertices_le = geom_le.attributes.position.array, vertices_ri = geom_ri.attributes.position.array; for (i = 0; i < h; i++) { vertices_le[(i * 2 + 1) * 3] = dem_data[w * i]; vertices_ri[i * 2 * 3] = -dem_data[w * (i + 1) - 1]; } } mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geom_le, material); mesh.position.x = -this.plane.width / 2; mesh.rotateOnAxis(Q3D.uv.j, -HALF_PI); layer.addObject(mesh, false); this.aObjs.push(mesh); mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geom_ri, material); mesh.position.x = this.plane.width / 2; mesh.rotateOnAxis(Q3D.uv.j, HALF_PI); layer.addObject(mesh, false); this.aObjs.push(mesh); // bottom if (Q3D.Options.exportMode) { var geom = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(this.plane.width, this.plane.height, w - 1, h - 1); } else { var geom = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(this.plane.width, this.plane.height, 1, 1); } mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geom, material); mesh.position.z = z0; mesh.rotateOnAxis(Q3D.uv.i, Math.PI); layer.addObject(mesh, false); this.aObjs.push(mesh); }, getValue: function (x, y) { if (0 <= x && x < this.width && 0 <= y && y < this.height) return this.data[x + this.width * y]; return null; }, contains: function (x, y) { var xmin = this.plane.offsetX - this.plane.width / 2, xmax = this.plane.offsetX + this.plane.width / 2, ymin = this.plane.offsetY - this.plane.height / 2, ymax = this.plane.offsetY + this.plane.height / 2; if (xmin <= x && x <= xmax && ymin <= y && y <= ymax) return true; return false; } }; /* Q3D.ClippedDEMBlock */ Q3D.ClippedDEMBlock = function (params) { for (var k in params) { this[k] = params[k]; } this.aObjs = []; }; Q3D.ClippedDEMBlock.prototype = { constructor: Q3D.ClippedDEMBlock, build: function (layer) { var geom = Q3D.Utils.createOverlayGeometry(this.clip.triangles, this.clip.split_polygons, layer.getZ.bind(layer)); // set UVs Q3D.Utils.setGeometryUVs(geom, layer.project.width, layer.project.height); var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geom, layer.materials[this.m].m); if (this.plane.offsetX != 0) mesh.position.x = this.plane.offsetX; if (this.plane.offsetY != 0) mesh.position.y = this.plane.offsetY; mesh.userData.layerId = layer.index; this.obj = mesh; layer.addObject(mesh); }, buildSides: function (layer, material, z0) { var polygons = this.clip.polygons, zFunc = layer.getZ.bind(layer), bzFunc = function (x, y) { return z0; }; // make back-side material for bottom var mat_back = material.clone(); mat_back.side = THREE.BackSide; layer.materials.push({type: Q3D.MaterialType.MeshLambert, m: mat_back}); var geom, mesh, shape, vertices; for (var i = 0, l = polygons.length; i < l; i++) { var polygon = polygons[i]; // sides for (var j = 0, m = polygon.length; j < m; j++) { vertices = layer.segmentizeLineString(polygon[j], zFunc); geom = Q3D.Utils.createWallGeometry(vertices, bzFunc); mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geom, material); layer.addObject(mesh, false); this.aObjs.push(mesh); } // bottom shape = new THREE.Shape(Q3D.Utils.arrayToVec2Array(polygon[0])); for (var j = 1, m = polygon.length; j < m; j++) { shape.holes.push(new THREE.Path(Q3D.Utils.arrayToVec2Array(polygon[j]))); } geom = new THREE.ShapeGeometry(shape); mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geom, mat_back); mesh.position.z = z0; layer.addObject(mesh, false); this.aObjs.push(mesh); } }, getValue: function (x, y) { if (0 <= x && x < this.width && 0 <= y && y < this.height) return this.data[x + this.width * y]; return null; }, contains: function (x, y) { var xmin = this.plane.offsetX - this.plane.width / 2, xmax = this.plane.offsetX + this.plane.width / 2, ymin = this.plane.offsetY - this.plane.height / 2, ymax = this.plane.offsetY + this.plane.height / 2; if (xmin <= x && x <= xmax && ymin <= y && y <= ymax) return true; return false; } }; /* Q3D.MapLayer */ Q3D.MapLayer = function (params) { this.visible = true; this.opacity = 1; this.m = []; for (var k in params) { this[k] = params[k]; } // this.materials = undefined; this.objectGroup = new THREE.Group(); this.queryableObjects = []; }; Q3D.MapLayer.prototype = { constructor: Q3D.MapLayer, addObject: function (object, queryable) { if (queryable === undefined) queryable = this.q; this.objectGroup.add(object); if (queryable) this._addQueryableObject(object); }, _addQueryableObject: function (object) { this.queryableObjects.push(object); for (var i = 0, l = object.children.length; i < l; i++) { this._addQueryableObject(object.children[i]); } }, initMaterials: function () { this.materials = []; if (this.m.length == 0) return; var mat, sum_opacity = 0; for (var i = 0, l = this.m.length; i < l; i++) { var m = this.m[i]; var opt = {}; if (m.ds && !Q3D.isIE) opt.side = THREE.DoubleSide; if (m.flat) opt.shading = THREE.FlatShading; if (m.i !== undefined) { var image = this.project.images[m.i]; if (image.texture === undefined) { if (image.src !== undefined) image.texture = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture(image.src); else image.texture = Q3D.Utils.loadTextureData(image.data); } opt.map = image.texture; } if (m.o !== undefined && m.o < 1) { opt.opacity = m.o; opt.transparent = true; } if (m.t) opt.transparent = true; if (m.w) opt.wireframe = true; if (m.type == Q3D.MaterialType.MeshLambert) { if (m.c !== undefined) opt.color = opt.ambient = m.c; mat = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial(opt); } else if (m.type == Q3D.MaterialType.MeshPhong) { if (m.c !== undefined) opt.color = opt.ambient = m.c; mat = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial(opt); } else if (m.type == Q3D.MaterialType.LineBasic) { opt.color = m.c; mat = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial(opt); } else { opt.color = 0xffffff; mat = new THREE.SpriteMaterial(opt); } m.m = mat; this.materials.push(m); sum_opacity += mat.opacity; } // layer opacity is the average opacity of materials this.opacity = sum_opacity / this.materials.length; }, setOpacity: function (opacity) { this.opacity = opacity; this.materials.forEach(function (m) { m.m.transparent = Boolean(m.t) || (opacity < 1); m.m.opacity = opacity; }); }, setVisible: function (visible) { this.visible = visible; this.objectGroup.visible = visible; Q3D.application.queryObjNeedsUpdate = true; }, setWireframeMode: function (wireframe) { this.materials.forEach(function (m) { if (m.w) return; if (m.type != Q3D.MaterialType.LineBasic) m.m.wireframe = wireframe; }); } }; /* Q3D.MapLayer.prototype.build = function (parent) {}; Q3D.MapLayer.prototype.meshes = function () {}; */ /* Q3D.DEMLayer --> Q3D.MapLayer */ Q3D.DEMLayer = function (params) { Q3D.MapLayer.call(this, params); this.type = Q3D.LayerType.DEM; this.blocks = []; }; Q3D.DEMLayer.prototype = Object.create(Q3D.MapLayer.prototype); Q3D.DEMLayer.prototype.constructor = Q3D.DEMLayer; Q3D.DEMLayer.prototype.addBlock = function (params, clipped) { var BlockClass = (clipped) ? Q3D.ClippedDEMBlock : Q3D.DEMBlock, block = new BlockClass(params); this.blocks.push(block); return block; }; Q3D.DEMLayer.prototype.build = function (parent) { var opt = Q3D.Options; this.blocks.forEach(function (block) { block.build(this); // build sides, bottom and frame if (block.sides) { // material var opacity = this.materials[block.m].o; if (opacity === undefined) opacity = 1; var mat = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({color: opt.side.color, ambient: opt.side.color, opacity: opacity, transparent: (opacity < 1)}); this.materials.push({type: Q3D.MaterialType.MeshLambert, m: mat}); block.buildSides(this, mat, opt.side.bottomZ); this.sideVisible = true; } if (block.frame) { this.buildFrame(block, opt.frame.color, opt.frame.bottomZ); this.sideVisible = true; } }, this); if (parent) parent.add(this.objectGroup); }; Q3D.DEMLayer.prototype.buildFrame = function (block, color, z0) { var dem = block; var opacity = this.materials[block.m].o; if (opacity === undefined) opacity = 1; var mat = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: color, opacity: opacity, transparent: (opacity < 1)}); this.materials.push({type: Q3D.MaterialType.LineBasic, m: mat}); // horizontal rectangle at bottom var hw = dem.plane.width / 2, hh = dem.plane.height / 2; var geom = new THREE.Geometry(); geom.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(-hw, -hh, z0), new THREE.Vector3(hw, -hh, z0), new THREE.Vector3(hw, hh, z0), new THREE.Vector3(-hw, hh, z0), new THREE.Vector3(-hw, -hh, z0)); var obj = new THREE.Line(geom, mat); this.addObject(obj, false); dem.aObjs.push(obj); // vertical lines at corners var pts = [[-hw, -hh, dem.data[dem.data.length - dem.width]], [hw, -hh, dem.data[dem.data.length - 1]], [hw, hh, dem.data[dem.width - 1]], [-hw, hh, dem.data[0]]]; pts.forEach(function (pt) { var geom = new THREE.Geometry(); geom.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]), new THREE.Vector3(pt[0], pt[1], z0)); var obj = new THREE.Line(geom, mat); this.addObject(obj, false); dem.aObjs.push(obj); }, this); }; Q3D.DEMLayer.prototype.meshes = function () { var m = []; this.blocks.forEach(function (block) { m.push(block.obj); (block.aObjs || []).forEach(function (obj) { m.push(obj); }); }); return m; }; // calculate elevation at the coordinates (x, y) on triangle face Q3D.DEMLayer.prototype.getZ = function (x, y) { var xmin = -this.project.width / 2, ymax = this.project.height / 2; for (var i = 0, l = this.blocks.length; i < l; i++) { var block = this.blocks[i]; if (!block.contains(x, y)) continue; var ix = block.plane.width / (block.width - 1), iy = block.plane.height / (block.height - 1); var xmin = block.plane.offsetX - block.plane.width / 2, ymax = block.plane.offsetY + block.plane.height / 2; var mx0 = Math.floor((x - xmin) / ix), my0 = Math.floor((ymax - y) / iy); var z = [block.getValue(mx0, my0), block.getValue(mx0 + 1, my0), block.getValue(mx0, my0 + 1), block.getValue(mx0 + 1, my0 + 1)]; var px0 = xmin + ix * mx0, py0 = ymax - iy * my0; var sdx = (x - px0) / ix, sdy = (py0 - y) / iy; // console.log(x, y, mx0, my0, sdx, sdy); if (sdx <= 1 - sdy) return z[0] + (z[1] - z[0]) * sdx + (z[2] - z[0]) * sdy; else return z[3] + (z[2] - z[3]) * (1 - sdx) + (z[1] - z[3]) * (1 - sdy); } return null; }; Q3D.DEMLayer.prototype.segmentizeLineString = function (lineString, zFunc) { // does not support multiple blocks if (zFunc === undefined) zFunc = function () { return 0; }; var width = this.project.width, height = this.project.height; var xmin = -width / 2, ymax = height / 2; var block = this.blocks[0]; var x_segments = block.width - 1, y_segments = block.height - 1; var ix = width / x_segments, iy = height / y_segments; var pts = []; for (var i = 1, l = lineString.length; i < l; i++) { var pt1 = lineString[i - 1], pt2 = lineString[i]; var x1 = pt1[0], x2 = pt2[0], y1 = pt1[1], y2 = pt2[1], z1 = pt1[2], z2 = pt2[2]; var nx1 = (x1 - xmin) / ix, nx2 = (x2 - xmin) / ix; var ny1 = (ymax - y1) / iy, ny2 = (ymax - y2) / iy; var ns1 = Math.abs(ny1 + nx1), ns2 = Math.abs(ny2 + nx2); var p = [0], nvp = [[nx1, nx2], [ny1, ny2], [ns1, ns2]]; for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { var v1 = nvp[j][0], v2 = nvp[j][1]; if (v1 == v2) continue; var k = Math.ceil(Math.min(v1, v2)); var n = Math.floor(Math.max(v1, v2)); for (; k <= n; k++) { p.push((k - v1) / (v2 - v1)); } } p.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); var x, y, z, lp = null; for (var j = 0, m = p.length; j < m; j++) { if (lp === p[j]) continue; if (p[j] == 1) break; x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * p[j]; y = y1 + (y2 - y1) * p[j]; if (z1 === undefined || z2 === undefined) z = zFunc(x, y); else z = z1 + (z2 - z1) * p[j]; pts.push(new THREE.Vector3(x, y, z)); // Q3D.Utils.putStick(x, y, zFunc); lp = p[j]; } } // last point (= the first point) var pt = lineString[lineString.length - 1]; pts.push(new THREE.Vector3(pt[0], pt[1], (pt[2] === undefined) ? zFunc(pt[0], pt[1]) : pt[2])); /* for (var i = 0, l = lineString.length - 1; i < l; i++) { Q3D.Utils.putStick(lineString[i][0], lineString[i][1], zFunc, 0.8); } */ return pts; }; Q3D.DEMLayer.prototype.setVisible = function (visible) { Q3D.MapLayer.prototype.setVisible.call(this, visible); if (visible && this.sideVisible === false) this.setSideVisibility(false); }; Q3D.DEMLayer.prototype.setSideVisibility = function (visible) { this.sideVisible = visible; this.blocks[0].aObjs.forEach(function (obj) { obj.visible = visible; }); }; /* Q3D.VectorLayer --> Q3D.MapLayer */ Q3D.VectorLayer = function (params) { this.f = []; Q3D.MapLayer.call(this, params); this.labels = []; }; Q3D.VectorLayer.prototype = Object.create(Q3D.MapLayer.prototype); Q3D.VectorLayer.prototype.constructor = Q3D.VectorLayer; Q3D.VectorLayer.prototype.build = function (parent) {}; Q3D.VectorLayer.prototype.buildLabels = function (parent, parentElement, getPointsFunc, zFunc) { // Layer must belong to a project var label = this.l; if (label === undefined || this.project === undefined || getPointsFunc === undefined) return; // function to get height for both ends of label connector // label.ht // 1: fixed height // 2: height from point (bottom height if extruded polygon, elevation at centroid of polygon if overlay) // 3: height from top of extruded polygon / from overlay // >= 100: data-defined + addend var zShift = this.project.zShift, zScale = this.project.zScale; var labelHeightFunc = function (f, pt) { var z0 = (zFunc === undefined) ? pt[2] : zFunc(pt[0], pt[1]); if (label.ht == 1) return [z0, label.v]; if (label.ht >= 100) return [z0, (f.a[label.ht - 100] + zShift) * zScale + label.v]; if (label.ht == 3) z0 += f.h; return [z0, z0 + label.v]; }; var line_mat = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: Q3D.Options.label.connectorColor}); this.labelConnectorGroup = new THREE.Group(); this.labelConnectorGroup.userData.layerId = this.index; if (parent) parent.add(this.labelConnectorGroup); // create parent element for labels var e = document.createElement("div"); parentElement.appendChild(e); this.labelParentElement = e; for (var i = 0, l = this.f.length; i < l; i++) { var f = this.f[i]; f.aElems = []; f.aObjs = []; var text = f.a[label.i]; if (text === null || text === "") continue; var pts = getPointsFunc(f); for (var j = 0, m = pts.length; j < m; j++) { var pt = pts[j]; // create div element for label var e = document.createElement("div"); e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); e.className = "label"; this.labelParentElement.appendChild(e); var z = labelHeightFunc(f, pt); var pt0 = new THREE.Vector3(pt[0], pt[1], z[0]); // bottom var pt1 = new THREE.Vector3(pt[0], pt[1], z[1]); // top // create connector var geom = new THREE.Geometry(); geom.vertices.push(pt1, pt0); var conn = new THREE.Line(geom, line_mat); conn.userData.layerId = this.index; conn.userData.featureId = i; this.labelConnectorGroup.add(conn); f.aElems.push(e); f.aObjs.push(conn); this.labels.push({e: e, obj: conn, pt: pt1}); } } }; Q3D.VectorLayer.prototype.meshes = function () { var meshes = []; for (var i = 0, l = this.f.length; i < l; i++) { var f = this.f[i]; for (var j = 0, m = f.objs.length; j < m; j++) { meshes.push(f.objs[j]); } } return meshes; }; Q3D.VectorLayer.prototype.setVisible = function (visible) { Q3D.MapLayer.prototype.setVisible.call(this, visible); if (this.labels.length == 0) return; this.labelParentElement.style.display = (visible) ? "block" : "none"; this.labelConnectorGroup.visible = visible; Q3D.application.labelVisibilityChanged(); }; /* Q3D.PointLayer --> Q3D.VectorLayer */ Q3D.PointLayer = function (params) { Q3D.VectorLayer.call(this, params); this.type = Q3D.LayerType.Point; }; Q3D.PointLayer.prototype = Object.create(Q3D.VectorLayer.prototype); Q3D.PointLayer.prototype.constructor = Q3D.PointLayer; Q3D.PointLayer.prototype.build = function (parent) { if (this.objType == "Icon") { this.buildIcons(parent); return; } if (this.objType == "JSON model" || this.objType == "COLLADA model") { this.buildModels(parent); return; } var materials = this.materials; var deg2rad = Math.PI / 180; var createGeometry, scaleZ = 1; if (this.objType == "Sphere") createGeometry = function (f) { return new THREE.SphereGeometry(f.r); }; else if (this.objType == "Box") createGeometry = function (f) { return new THREE.BoxGeometry(f.w, f.h, f.d); }; else if (this.objType == "Disk") { createGeometry = function (f) { var geom = new THREE.CylinderGeometry(f.r, f.r, 0, 32), m = new THREE.Matrix4(); if (90 - f.d) geom.applyMatrix(m.makeRotationX((90 - f.d) * deg2rad)); if (f.dd) geom.applyMatrix(m.makeRotationZ(-f.dd * deg2rad)); return geom; }; if (this.ns === undefined || this.ns == false) scaleZ = this.project.zExaggeration; } else createGeometry = function (f) { return new THREE.CylinderGeometry(f.rt, f.rb, f.h); }; // Cylinder or Cone // each feature in this layer this.f.forEach(function (f, fid) { f.objs = []; var z_addend = (f.h) ? f.h / 2 : 0; for (var i = 0, l = f.pts.length; i < l; i++) { var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(createGeometry(f), materials[f.m].m); var pt = f.pts[i]; mesh.position.set(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2] + z_addend); if (f.rotateX) mesh.rotation.x = f.rotateX * deg2rad; if (scaleZ != 1) mesh.scale.z = scaleZ; mesh.userData.layerId = this.index; mesh.userData.featureId = fid; this.addObject(mesh); f.objs.push(mesh); } }, this); if (parent) parent.add(this.objectGroup); }; Q3D.PointLayer.prototype.buildIcons = function (parent) { // each feature in this layer this.f.forEach(function (f, fid) { var mat = this.materials[f.m]; var image = this.project.images[mat.i]; // base size is 64 x 64 var scale = (f.scale === undefined) ? 1 : f.scale; var sx = image.width / 64 * scale, sy = image.height / 64 * scale; f.objs = []; for (var i = 0, l = f.pts.length; i < l; i++) { var pt = f.pts[i]; var sprite = new THREE.Sprite(mat.m); sprite.position.set(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]); sprite.scale.set(sx, sy, scale); sprite.userData.layerId = this.index; sprite.userData.featureId = fid; this.addObject(sprite); f.objs.push(sprite); } }, this); if (parent) parent.add(this.objectGroup); }; Q3D.PointLayer.prototype.buildModels = function (parent) { // each feature in this layer this.f.forEach(function (f, fid) { Q3D.application.modelBuilders[f.model_index].addFeature(this.index, fid); }, this); if (parent) parent.add(this.objectGroup); }; Q3D.PointLayer.prototype.buildLabels = function (parent, parentElement) { Q3D.VectorLayer.prototype.buildLabels.call(this, parent, parentElement, function (f) { return f.pts; }); }; /* Q3D.LineLayer --> Q3D.VectorLayer */ Q3D.LineLayer = function (params) { Q3D.VectorLayer.call(this, params); this.type = Q3D.LayerType.Line; }; Q3D.LineLayer.prototype = Object.create(Q3D.VectorLayer.prototype); Q3D.LineLayer.prototype.constructor = Q3D.LineLayer; Q3D.LineLayer.prototype.build = function (parent) { var materials = this.materials; if (this.objType == "Line") { var createObject = function (f, line) { var geom = new THREE.Geometry(), pt; for (var i = 0, l = line.length; i < l; i++) { pt = line[i]; geom.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2])); } return new THREE.Line(geom, materials[f.m].m); }; } else if (this.objType == "Pipe" || this.objType == "Cone") { var hasJoints = (this.objType == "Pipe"); var createObject = function (f, line) { var group = new THREE.Group(); var pt0 = new THREE.Vector3(), pt1 = new THREE.Vector3(), sub = new THREE.Vector3(); var geom, obj, pt; for (var i = 0, l = line.length; i < l; i++) { pt = line[i]; pt1.set(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]); if (hasJoints) { geom = new THREE.SphereGeometry(f.rb, 8, 8); obj = new THREE.Mesh(geom, materials[f.m].m); obj.position.copy(pt1); group.add(obj); } if (i) { sub.subVectors(pt1, pt0); geom = new THREE.CylinderGeometry(f.rt, f.rb, pt0.distanceTo(pt1), 8); obj = new THREE.Mesh(geom, materials[f.m].m); obj.position.set((pt0.x + pt1.x) / 2, (pt0.y + pt1.y) / 2, (pt0.z + pt1.z) / 2); obj.rotation.set(Math.atan2(sub.z, Math.sqrt(sub.x * sub.x + sub.y * sub.y)), 0, Math.atan2(sub.y, sub.x) - Math.PI / 2, "ZXY"); group.add(obj); } pt0.copy(pt1); } return group; }; } else if (this.objType == "Box") { // In this method, box corners are exposed near joint when both azimuth and slope of // the segments of both sides are different. Also, some unnecessary faces are created. var debugMode = Q3D.Options.debugMode; var faces = [], vi; vi = [[0, 5, 4], [4, 5, 1], // left turn - top, side, bottom [3, 0, 7], [7, 0, 4], [6, 3, 2], [2, 3, 7], [4, 1, 0], [0, 1, 5], // right turn - top, side, bottom [1, 2, 5], [5, 2, 6], [2, 7, 6], [6, 7, 3]]; for (var j = 0; j < 12; j++) { faces.push(new THREE.Face3(vi[j][0], vi[j][1], vi[j][2])); } var createObject = function (f, line) { var geometry = new THREE.Geometry(), group = new THREE.Group(); // used in debug mode var geom, obj, dist, quat, rx, rz, wh4, vb4, vf4; var pt0 = new THREE.Vector3(), pt1 = new THREE.Vector3(), sub = new THREE.Vector3(), pt = new THREE.Vector3(), ptM = new THREE.Vector3(), scale1 = new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, 1), matrix = new THREE.Matrix4(), quat = new THREE.Quaternion(); pt0.set(line[0][0], line[0][1], line[0][2]); for (var i = 1, l = line.length; i < l; i++) { pt1.set(line[i][0], line[i][1], line[i][2]); dist = pt0.distanceTo(pt1); sub.subVectors(pt1, pt0); rx = Math.atan2(sub.z, Math.sqrt(sub.x * sub.x + sub.y * sub.y)); rz = Math.atan2(sub.y, sub.x) - Math.PI / 2; ptM.set((pt0.x + pt1.x) / 2, (pt0.y + pt1.y) / 2, (pt0.z + pt1.z) / 2); // midpoint quat.setFromEuler(new THREE.Euler(rx, 0, rz, "ZXY")); matrix.compose(ptM, quat, scale1); // place a box to the segment geom = new THREE.BoxGeometry(f.w, dist, f.h); if (debugMode) { obj = new THREE.Mesh(geom, materials[f.m].m); obj.position.set(ptM.x, ptM.y, ptM.z); obj.rotation.set(rx, 0, rz, "ZXY"); group.add(obj); } else { geom.applyMatrix(matrix); geometry.merge(geom); } // joint // 4 vertices of backward side of current segment wh4 = [[-f.w / 2, f.h / 2], [f.w / 2, f.h / 2], [f.w / 2, -f.h / 2], [-f.w / 2, -f.h / 2]]; vb4 = []; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { pt.set(wh4[j][0], -dist / 2, wh4[j][1]); pt.applyMatrix4(matrix); vb4.push(pt.clone()); } if (vf4) { geom = new THREE.Geometry(); geom.vertices = vf4.concat(vb4); geom.faces = faces; if (debugMode) { geom.computeFaceNormals(); group.add(new THREE.Mesh(geom)); } else { geometry.merge(geom); } } // 4 vertices of forward side vf4 = []; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { pt.set(wh4[j][0], dist / 2, wh4[j][1]); pt.applyMatrix4(matrix); vf4.push(new THREE.Vector3(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z)); } pt0.copy(pt1); } if (debugMode) return group; geometry.mergeVertices(); geometry.computeFaceNormals(); return new THREE.Mesh(geometry, materials[f.m].m); }; } else if (this.objType == "Profile") { var relativeToDEM = (this.am == "relative"), // altitude mode bRelativeToDEM = (this.bam == "relative"), // altitude mode of bottom height dem = project.layers[0], z0 = project.zShift * project.zScale; var createObject = function (f, line) { var bzFunc, vertices; if (bRelativeToDEM) bzFunc = function (x, y) { return dem.getZ(x, y) + f.bh; }; else bzFunc = function (x, y) { return z0 + f.bh; }; if (relativeToDEM) { var zFunc = function (x, y) { return dem.getZ(x, y) + f.h; }; vertices = dem.segmentizeLineString(line, zFunc); // line is list of 2D point [x, y] } else if (bRelativeToDEM) { vertices = dem.segmentizeLineString(line); // line is list of 3D point [x, y, z] } else { // both altitude modes are absolute var pt; vertices = []; for (var i = 0, l = line.length; i < l; i++) { pt = line[i]; vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2])); } } var geom = Q3D.Utils.createWallGeometry(vertices, bzFunc); // TODO: flat shading return new THREE.Mesh(geom, materials[f.m].m); }; } // each feature in this layer this.f.forEach(function (f, fid) { f.objs = []; for (var i = 0, l = f.lines.length; i < l; i++) { var obj = createObject(f, f.lines[i]); obj.userData.layerId = this.index; obj.userData.featureId = fid; this.addObject(obj); f.objs.push(obj); } }, this); if (parent) parent.add(this.objectGroup); }; Q3D.LineLayer.prototype.buildLabels = function (parent, parentElement) { // Line layer doesn't support label // Q3D.VectorLayer.prototype.buildLabels.call(this, parent, parentElement); }; /* Q3D.PolygonLayer --> Q3D.VectorLayer */ Q3D.PolygonLayer = function (params) { Q3D.VectorLayer.call(this, params); this.type = Q3D.LayerType.Polygon; // for overlay this.borderVisible = true; this.sideVisible = true; }; Q3D.PolygonLayer.prototype = Object.create(Q3D.VectorLayer.prototype); Q3D.PolygonLayer.prototype.constructor = Q3D.PolygonLayer; Q3D.PolygonLayer.prototype.build = function (parent) { var materials = this.materials, project = this.project; if (this.objType == "Extruded") { var createSubObject = function (f, polygon, z) { var shape = new THREE.Shape(Q3D.Utils.arrayToVec2Array(polygon[0])); for (var i = 1, l = polygon.length; i < l; i++) { shape.holes.push(new THREE.Path(Q3D.Utils.arrayToVec2Array(polygon[i]))); } var geom = new THREE.ExtrudeGeometry(shape, {bevelEnabled: false, amount: f.h}); var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geom, materials[f.m].m); mesh.position.z = z; return mesh; }; var createObject = function (f) { if (f.polygons.length == 1) return createSubObject(f, f.polygons[0], f.zs[0]); var group = new THREE.Group(); for (var i = 0, l = f.polygons.length; i < l; i++) { group.add(createSubObject(f, f.polygons[i], f.zs[i])); } return group; }; } else { // this.objType == "Overlay" var relativeToDEM = (this.am == "relative"), // altitude mode sbRelativeToDEM = (this.sbm == "relative"), // altitude mode of bottom height of side dem = project.layers[0], z0 = project.zShift * project.zScale; var createObject = function (f) { var polygons = (relativeToDEM) ? (f.split_polygons || []) : f.polygons; var zFunc; if (relativeToDEM) zFunc = function (x, y) { return dem.getZ(x, y) + f.h; }; else zFunc = function (x, y) { return z0 + f.h; }; var geom = Q3D.Utils.createOverlayGeometry(f.triangles, polygons, zFunc); // set UVs if (materials[f.m].i !== undefined) Q3D.Utils.setGeometryUVs(geom, project.width, project.height); var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geom, materials[f.m].m); if (f.mb === undefined && f.ms === undefined) return mesh; // borders and sides var bzFunc, geom, vertices; if (sbRelativeToDEM) bzFunc = function (x, y) { return dem.getZ(x, y) + f.sb; }; else bzFunc = function (x, y) { return z0 + f.sb; }; for (var i = 0, l = f.polygons.length; i < l; i++) { var polygon = f.polygons[i]; for (var j = 0, m = polygon.length; j < m; j++) { if (relativeToDEM || sbRelativeToDEM) { vertices = dem.segmentizeLineString(polygon[j], zFunc); } else { vertices = Q3D.Utils.arrayToVec3Array(polygon[j], zFunc); } if (f.mb) { geom = new THREE.Geometry(); geom.vertices = vertices; mesh.add(new THREE.Line(geom, materials[f.mb].m)); } if (f.ms) { geom = Q3D.Utils.createWallGeometry(vertices, bzFunc); mesh.add(new THREE.Mesh(geom, materials[f.ms].m)); } } } return mesh; }; } // each feature in this layer this.f.forEach(function (f, fid) { f.objs = []; var obj = createObject(f); obj.userData.layerId = this.index; obj.userData.featureId = fid; this.addObject(obj); f.objs.push(obj); }, this); if (parent) parent.add(this.objectGroup); }; Q3D.PolygonLayer.prototype.buildLabels = function (parent, parentElement) { var zFunc, getPointsFunc = function (f) { return f.centroids; }; var relativeToDEM = (this.am == "relative"); // altitude mode if (relativeToDEM) { var dem = this.project.layers[0]; zFunc = dem.getZ.bind(dem); } Q3D.VectorLayer.prototype.buildLabels.call(this, parent, parentElement, getPointsFunc, zFunc); }; Q3D.PolygonLayer.prototype.setBorderVisibility = function (visible) { if (this.objType != "Overlay") return; this.objectGroup.children.forEach(function (parent) { for (var i = 0, l = parent.children.length; i < l; i++) { var obj = parent.children[i]; if (obj instanceof THREE.Line) obj.visible = visible; } }); this.borderVisible = visible; }; Q3D.PolygonLayer.prototype.setSideVisibility = function (visible) { if (this.objType != "Overlay") return; this.objectGroup.children.forEach(function (parent) { for (var i = 0, l = parent.children.length; i < l; i++) { var obj = parent.children[i]; if (obj instanceof THREE.Mesh) obj.visible = visible; } }); this.sideVisible = visible; }; // Q3D.ModelBuilder Q3D.ModelBuilder = {}; Q3D.ModelBuilder._loaders = {}; /* Q3D.ModelBuilder.Base */ Q3D.ModelBuilder.Base = function (project, obj) { this.project = project; this.features = []; this._objects = {}; this.loaded = false; }; Q3D.ModelBuilder.Base.prototype = { constructor: Q3D.ModelBuilder.Base, addFeature: function (layerId, featureId) { this.features.push({layerId: layerId, featureId: featureId}); this.buildObjects(); }, buildObjects: function () { if (!this.loaded) return; var deg2rad = Math.PI / 180, m = new THREE.Matrix4(); this.features.forEach(function (fet) { var layer = this.project.layers[fet.layerId], f = layer.f[fet.featureId]; f.objs = []; for (var i = 0, l = f.pts.length; i < l; i++) { var pt = f.pts[i], mesh = this.cloneObject(fet.layerId); // rotation if (f.rotateX) mesh.applyMatrix(m.makeRotationX(f.rotateX * deg2rad)); if (f.rotateY) mesh.applyMatrix(m.makeRotationY(f.rotateY * deg2rad)); if (f.rotateZ) mesh.applyMatrix(m.makeRotationZ(f.rotateZ * deg2rad)); // scale and position if (f.scale !== undefined) mesh.scale.set(f.scale, f.scale, f.scale); mesh.position.set(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]); mesh.userData.layerId = fet.layerId; mesh.userData.featureId = fet.featureId; layer.addObject(mesh); f.objs.push(mesh); } }, this); this.features = []; }, cloneObject: function (layerId) { if (this.object === undefined) return null; // if there is already the object for the layer, return a clone of the object if (layerId in this._objects) return this._objects[layerId].clone(); var layer = this.project.layers[layerId]; // clone the original object var object = this.object.clone(); if (Object.keys(this._objects).length) { // if this is not the first layer which uses this model, clone materials // and append cloned materials to material list of the layer object.traverse(function (obj) { if (obj instanceof THREE.Mesh === false) return; obj.material = obj.material.clone(); layer.materials.push({type: Q3D.MaterialType.Unknown, m: obj.material}); }); } else { // if this is the first, append original materials to material list of the layer object.traverse(function (obj) { if (obj instanceof THREE.Mesh === false) return; layer.materials.push({type: Q3D.MaterialType.Unknown, m: obj.material}); }); } this._objects[layerId] = object; // as properties of the object will be changed, clone the object to keep the original for the layer return object.clone(); }, onLoad: function (object) { this.object = object; this.loaded = true; this.buildObjects(); } }; /* Q3D.ModelBuilder.JSON --> Q3D.ModelBuilder.Base load JSON data and build JSON models */ Q3D.ModelBuilder.JSON = function (project, model) { Q3D.ModelBuilder.Base.call(this, project, model); var loaders = Q3D.ModelBuilder._loaders; if (loaders.jsonLoader === undefined) loaders.jsonLoader = new THREE.JSONLoader(true); this.loader = loaders.jsonLoader; if (model.src !== undefined) { this.loader.load(model.src, this.onLoad.bind(this)); } else if (model.data) { var result = this.loader.parse(JSON.parse(model.data)); this.onLoad(result.geometry, result.materials); } }; Q3D.ModelBuilder.JSON.prototype = Object.create(Q3D.ModelBuilder.Base.prototype); Q3D.ModelBuilder.JSON.prototype.constructor = Q3D.ModelBuilder.JSON; Q3D.ModelBuilder.JSON.prototype.onLoad = function (geometry, materials) { this.geometry = geometry; this.material = new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial(materials); Q3D.ModelBuilder.Base.prototype.onLoad.call(this, new THREE.Mesh(this.geometry, this.material)); }; /* Q3D.ModelBuilder.JSONObject --> Q3D.ModelBuilder.Base */ Q3D.ModelBuilder.JSONObject = function (project, model) { Q3D.ModelBuilder.Base.call(this, project, model); var loaders = Q3D.ModelBuilder._loaders; if (loaders.jsonObjectLoader === undefined) loaders.jsonObjectLoader = new THREE.ObjectLoader(); this.loader = loaders.jsonObjectLoader; if (model.src !== undefined) { this.loader.load(model.src, this.onLoad.bind(this)); } else if (model.data) { this.onLoad(this.loader.parse(JSON.parse(model.data))); } }; Q3D.ModelBuilder.JSONObject.prototype = Object.create(Q3D.ModelBuilder.Base.prototype); Q3D.ModelBuilder.JSONObject.prototype.constructor = Q3D.ModelBuilder.JSONObject; /* Q3D.ModelBuilder.COLLADA --> Q3D.ModelBuilder.Base */ Q3D.ModelBuilder.COLLADA = function (project, model) { Q3D.ModelBuilder.Base.call(this, project, model); var loaders = Q3D.ModelBuilder._loaders; if (loaders.colladaLoader === undefined) loaders.colladaLoader = new THREE.ColladaLoader(); this.loader = loaders.colladaLoader; if (model.src !== undefined) { this.loader.load(model.src, this.onLoad.bind(this)); } else if (model.data) { var xmlParser = new DOMParser(), responseXML = xmlParser.parseFromString(model.data, "application/xml"), url = "./"; this.onLoad(this.loader.parse(responseXML, undefined, url)); } }; Q3D.ModelBuilder.COLLADA.prototype = Object.create(Q3D.ModelBuilder.Base.prototype); Q3D.ModelBuilder.COLLADA.prototype.constructor = Q3D.ModelBuilder.COLLADA; Q3D.ModelBuilder.COLLADA.prototype.onLoad = function (collada) { this.collada = collada; Q3D.ModelBuilder.Base.prototype.onLoad.call(this, collada.scene); }; // Q3D.Utils - Utilities Q3D.Utils = {}; // [NOT USED] Q3D.Utils.setObjectVisibility = function (object, visible) { object.traverse(function (obj) { obj.visible = visible; }); }; // Create a texture with image data and update texture when the image has been loaded Q3D.Utils.loadTextureData = function (imageData) { var texture, image = new Image(); image.onload = function () { texture.needsUpdate = true; if (!Q3D.Options.exportMode && !Q3D.application.running) Q3D.application.render(); }; image.src = imageData; texture = new THREE.Texture(image); return texture; }; // Put a stick to given position (for debug) Q3D.Utils.putStick = function (x, y, zFunc, h) { if (Q3D.Utils._stick_mat === undefined) Q3D.Utils._stick_mat = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: 0xff0000}); if (h === undefined) h = 0.2; if (zFunc === undefined) { zFunc = function (x, y) { return Q3D.application.project.layers[0].getZ(x, y); } } var z = zFunc(x, y); var geom = new THREE.Geometry(); geom.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(x, y, z + h), new THREE.Vector3(x, y, z)); var stick = new THREE.Line(geom, Q3D.Utils._stick_mat); Q3D.application.scene.add(stick); }; // convert latitude and longitude in degrees to the following format // Ndd°mm′ss.ss″, Eddd°mm′ss.ss″ Q3D.Utils.convertToDMS = function (lat, lon) { function toDMS (degrees) { var deg = Math.floor(degrees), m = (degrees - deg) * 60, min = Math.floor(m), sec = (m - min) * 60; return deg + "°" + ("0" + min).slice(-2) + "′" + ((sec < 10) ? "0" : "") + sec.toFixed(2) + "″"; } return ((lat < 0) ? "S" : "N") + toDMS(Math.abs(lat)) + ", " + ((lon < 0) ? "W" : "E") + toDMS(Math.abs(lon)); }; Q3D.Utils.createWallGeometry = function (vertices, bzFunc) { var geom, pt, v; if (Q3D.Options.exportMode) { geom = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(0, 0, vertices.length - 1, 1); v = geom.vertices; for (var i = 0, l = vertices.length; i < l; i++) { pt = vertices[i]; v[i].x = v[i + l].x = pt.x; v[i].y = v[i + l].y = pt.y; v[i].z = bzFunc(pt.x, pt.y); v[i + l].z = pt.z; } } else { geom = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(0, 0, vertices.length - 1, 1); v = geom.attributes.position.array; for (var i = 0, k = 0, l = vertices.length, l3 = l * 3; i < l; i++, k+=3) { pt = vertices[i]; v[k] = v[k + l3] = pt.x; v[k + 1] = v[k + l3 + 1] = pt.y; v[k + 2] = bzFunc(pt.x, pt.y); v[k + l3 + 2] = pt.z; } } geom.computeFaceNormals(); geom.computeVertexNormals(); return geom; }; Q3D.Utils.arrayToVec2Array = function (points) { var pt, pts = []; for (var i = 0, l = points.length; i < l; i++) { pt = points[i]; pts.push(new THREE.Vector2(pt[0], pt[1])); } return pts; }; Q3D.Utils.arrayToVec3Array = function (points, zFunc) { if (zFunc === undefined) zFunc = function () { return 0; }; var pt, pts = []; for (var i = 0, l = points.length; i < l; i++) { pt = points[i]; pts.push(new THREE.Vector3(pt[0], pt[1], zFunc(pt[0], pt[1]))); } return pts; }; Q3D.Utils.arrayToFace3Array = function (faces) { var f, fs = []; for (var i = 0, l = faces.length; i < l; i++) { f = faces[i]; fs.push(new THREE.Face3(f[0], f[1], f[2])); } return fs; }; Q3D.Utils.createOverlayGeometry = function (triangles, polygons, zFunc) { var geom = new THREE.Geometry(); // vertices and faces if (triangles !== undefined) { geom.vertices = Q3D.Utils.arrayToVec3Array(triangles.v, zFunc); geom.faces = Q3D.Utils.arrayToFace3Array(triangles.f); } // split-polygons for (var i = 0, l = polygons.length; i < l; i++) { var polygon = polygons[i]; var poly_geom = new THREE.Geometry(), holes = []; // make Vector3 arrays poly_geom.vertices = Q3D.Utils.arrayToVec3Array(polygon[0], zFunc); for (var j = 1, m = polygon.length; j < m; j++) { holes.push(Q3D.Utils.arrayToVec3Array(polygon[j], zFunc)); } // triangulate polygon var faces = THREE.Shape.Utils.triangulateShape(poly_geom.vertices, holes); // append points of holes to vertices for (var j = 0, m = holes.length; j < m; j++) { Array.prototype.push.apply(poly_geom.vertices, holes[j]); } // element of faces is [index1, index2, index3] poly_geom.faces = Q3D.Utils.arrayToFace3Array(faces); geom.merge(poly_geom); } geom.mergeVertices(); geom.computeFaceNormals(); geom.computeVertexNormals(); return geom; }; Q3D.Utils.setGeometryUVs = function (geom, base_width, base_height) { var face, v, uvs = []; for (var i = 0, l = geom.vertices.length; i < l; i++) { v = geom.vertices[i]; uvs.push(new THREE.Vector2(v.x / base_width + 0.5, v.y / base_height + 0.5)); } geom.faceVertexUvs[0] = []; for (var i = 0, l = geom.faces.length; i < l; i++) { face = geom.faces[i]; geom.faceVertexUvs[0].push([uvs[face.a], uvs[face.b], uvs[face.c]]); } };